
Inside Kitten Please!?

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My other cat, male, just ran away :( We think somebody took him in their house because he is VERY friendly and we don't see him on the roads anywhere. So, I've had a few cats so far (all males) and they've either ran away or got hit by a car (because they roam for their girl friends... even though we get them all fixed). I really want another kitten, BUT I'm tired of spending the money to get them fixed and their shots and everything and a year or two later their gone.

So, how can I convince my parents to let us get an INSIDE kitten?? They always say "They shed though, and I don't want cat hair everywhere." My mom likes cute, little, playful kittens and may go for an inside cat if I talk to her about it TONS but my dad... I don't know if he'd EVER say yes :( HELP!!




  1. LOL, I had a similiar problem (aka my dad) but he just wouldnt let me get a kittne period.

    What I did was ask him why he doesn't want a kitten, except for the fur.

    Research all his probs and give him good reasonable anwers.

    I eventually found a kitten at the petstore that had a missing paw and he let me get it from much pleeding.

  2. I'd say you're out of luck.

    All cats shed and some shed A LOT.  There is one specie that doesn't shed (they look like ET), but I think they are expensive.

    You can try brushing them a lot and using dander wipes to cut down on the shedding.  But, let's be reasonable, how often do you think you will do that once the newness wears off?

    I'd give up on the idea until you get your own place.

  3. Regular brushing and vacuuming will keeping shedding to a minimum. Cats are meticulously clean and if kept healthy with regular vet care, rarely make a mess. Valuable what-nots and keepsakes should be kept in a curio for their safety and proper training to a scratching post is a must. A clean litter box placed in a quiet, accessible area will ensure your cat doesn't have bathroom issues. I would not get another cat until your parent have committed to keeping it inside as you already know the outcome of having one outdoors.

  4. Siamese cats are good pets that don't shed much, are very social (they talk and answer and sleep on your lap) and are very playful. They're smart and tricky (one of ours just took my shoe lace *sigh*) but they can be a bother at Christmas (they took the chicken) and sometimes they'll eat ANYTHING!!! but all in all, they make great pets no matter what! =)

  5. they do shed alot...

    but thats why you give them a shower every you or any groomer....

    you can bath it when its young so they get use to it...after the shower...and its dry comb it to take the hair wont leave almost any hair....=]

    i convinced my parents after i got my kitty...i got here and kept her in the house at first my dad(the hardest to persuade) said no and to trow her out.. i said no!!

    my mom was in love wth her...the kitty is so cute!!!

    um but yeah...

    good luck =]
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