
Inspirational video...needs ideas and music

by  |  earlier

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I'm making an inspirational video for YouTube. I would like to know what people really WANT to know about...child abuse, poverty in America, abortion, war, ending hunger, etc. If you could tell me one thing you don't know much about or would like to see people show some support for, please let me know. I also need music...thank you!

NOTE: I definitely plan on making more than one inspirational the more ideas, the better!!




  1. alysa lies - child abuse

    just a dream - war

    holes in the floor of heaven - war

    tears in heaven - war

    u should do the video on what ever is dearest to your heart but those songs are tear jerkers. I my self think whatever your political stance is never diss the war using soldiers sacrfices as a reason to end the war. but whatever u do it on would u send me a link?  

  2. I will be honest...I didn't know too much about abortion until I saw some pictures online.  To even think about it makes me SICK.

    I think it is highly important to get the message out there that from the moment of conception it is a BABY and not some mass of tissue as the world would try and have us believe.  I think it would save many lives if women considering abortion saw what I saw.

    Good for you!!  Thank you for using your talent to try and make this world a better place.  E-mail me when you decide on your cause and post your video!!  Good luck!

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