
Installing Windows XP...Help!!?

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I'm trying to install Windows XP Home on a Toshiba Laptop that already has Windows XP Home.

I am trying to do a New Install. Because I really need to format my computer, its slow, its messed up, and I guess I really need to format my computer.

Ok so the first thing I do, is to select the XP Install.

Select New Installation.

I accept.

Product Key.

Press Next.

Problems with the Internet, so cannot Update.


Windows needs to Restart.

Here is where the problem occurs.

After the restart, the computer logo shows up.

I then have to choose between

-Windows XP Home Edition (Which is normal startup)

-Windows XP Home Edition Setup which takes me to---The next screen consists of only 1 blinker, which is on the top left corner! I kept this running for around 6 hours, but it was no use.

Please help!!

I have no idea what I am doing wrong!!




  1. I don't know

  2. It doesn't seems that you have formatted your computer, properly, otherwise you would not get 2 OS options on the screen. In fact it should not display and OS choice.

    When you start installing XP where it ask if you wish to format with NTFS, FAT of leave the file systems as it is. There you select format with NTFS and then complete the setup.

    I hope it should help.

  3. Format your computer and then try installing the OS. That is what you have done wrong.

  4. you need to boot from the cd and install from there. the full instructions are here

  5. Windows XP Installation step by step:

    1-On  your computer and Go to BIOS(Computer starting time Press the Del key ,F10,F11,F12 then open bios)

    2-Go to Advanced options,

    3-Change First Boot,First boot change to CD Rom

    4-Insert XP Bootable CD in your Drive

    5-Press F10 ,Select Ok or Yes and Press enter

    6-Press any key to Boot from Cd Rom


    8-Press F8

    9-Select C Drive

    10-Press D and Press L Now Deleted your C Drive

    11-Select UN Partition

    12-Press C

    13-Decide your C Drive Storage Capacity

    14-Press Entere

    15-Select C Drive and Press Enter to install XP

    16-And Continued..................  


    How to Install Windows Using a CD - wikiHow

  7. Yes, Windows can be pretty tricky to install. Make sure that you delete and re-create all partitions and format them.

  8. Sounds like you didn't delete your existing partition.

    Take a look at the screenshot in this guide:

    When you get to the screen in setup asking where you want to install WinXP, you need to delete the existing partitions (Press D).

    Once you have done that, you need to create a new one (Press C) and typically you can accept defaults here unless you want to create some partitions.

    I'd recommend doing a full format of the HDD with NTFS and once completed, then you get to move on to install Windows.

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