
Insurance HELP!?

by Guest10840  |  earlier

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So last month i got my first car and i got a few quotes online, about half an hour later a guy from MyMotorQuote rang me up and beat the best quote so i decided to go with them, an hour later i found that this company was not well liked, but i shrugged it off knowing i have a decent(ish) insurance price. They then sent papers for me to fill out and copies to return, i sent them copies of my full license and counterpart, however, they have now wrote back saying they want a copy of my pass plus, which i clearly told them i didnt have. I know not having it will boost the insurance and i dont have enough money for the next few months to take a pass plus course. So what can i do? Ive sent back antoher copy of my full license and counter part (as they requested again for some reason) but i know they want pass plus. I feel as though if i ring them up they will add to the cost of the policy due to not having PP, but i did tell them i didnt have it, so would that be fair/legal?




  1. You need to tell them that you do not have Pass Plus or you may find your insurance invalidated. Did the original papers that they sent state that the quote was based on you having completed Pass Plus? You should have checked that these papers confirmed the quote you were given on the phone

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