
Insurance high for red cars?

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Is it true that Car insurance is higher for red cars? if so, how much more expensive is it?




  1. Insurance asks a lot of questions when you sign up, but the color (colour for UK readers) isn't one of them.

  2. Friend is a cop:

    You know what they do to pass time..?

    Car snooker: You have to bust cars red then colour just like snooker the break finishes when you can't give them points for anything.. Broken indicator or whatever..

    Safest car to get is a white car. I bought a white sports car didn't get stopped once in 5 years.

  3. This is a local question.  In certain "high risk" cities Red Cars may pay a higher insurance for one or both of two reasons:

    1.  People like to steal red cars

    2.  People who drive red cars tend to drive fast.

  4. none of the insurance companys i use at work rate on the colour of your car,

  5. Im not too sure if it is true.

    Logically I can only assume this is becuase studies have shown the psychology of someone who picks a red car is more likely going to be an aggressive driver. Red is seen as an aggressive colour and most sports cars are picked in red....

  6. it would seem unlikely that any insurance company would skew the rates  just on a colour. This is despite the same  insurance companies own research showing that colour of  a car is directly comparable to its accident rates and should!! be a contributing factor in setting premiums.

      red = fast driven and mainly applied to sports cars, green= pedantic,slowly driven complying with posted speed signs but liable to car park bashes and scrapes, white= low risk (low theft too). they have a whole;e range of data applying to different colours. If you find this interesting why not write to them and see if you can get the facts?

  7. I was asked at last renewal about the colour of my car. Silvers and greys are so popular now that red stands out. To my mind that makes it noticeable, therefore a better insurance risk. However, I do take into account other contributors point that drivers of red cars may be more aggressive, but not so in my case 8-)

  8. Hi

    That is pathetic, the colour should not resemble the premium, although the particular colour makes vehicles more visable.

  9. I'm not sure if it actually affects insurance rates.

    however, red cars do tend to be pulled over more because the red color is more noticable than, say, green or another darker color.

  10. To my recollection, this is a very old urban myth.

    Way too many other factors involved in rating insurance to worry about the colour of a car.  

    Easy to prove anyway.... go to any insurance website and get quotes on the same car/driver... one red, one white (the car, not the driver) ... I bet there's no difference.

    I love the idea of cop car snooker... that I have NO problem believing and as I drive a silver one I'm safe ?

    Maybe that's why silver cars are getting so popular ?

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