
Insurance settlement money question?

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My friend is getting her compensation from the other party's insurance due to an accident that happened about 7 months ago. Her lawyer called her and told her settlement was ready and all she had to do is come by her office and sign for the settlement they offered. Will the other party's insurance company give my friend the total settlement with a check for her name directly? or will the lawyer end up getting the settlement to give to my friend? Her and the lawyer had a contract and the lawyer is suppose to have some percentage of the compensation. ( long story short she had some confusion with her lawyer when her car was in the shop and she cant completely trust her anymore and was wondering how the settlement money was going to given )

thanks for answering!




  1. The insurance company will make the check payable to the injured party and the attorney.

    The attorney will have her endorse the check. The attorney will then take out his fee (1/3), pay the medical providers. Your friend will get a check from the attorney for the remainder.

  2. agreement of proceeds were made at the time she hired her lawyer.

    goodluck and be happy with the settlement

  3. While the terms of the distribution of the settlement were determined at the point your friend hired the lawyer, if she feels that the lawyer may not be acting in her best interest, your friend should make sure she reviews the hiring contract and subsequent activities to make sure the lawyer has acted lawfully. She should also check with the bar association and the Better Business Bureau to make sure that she does not have a problem lawyer.

  4. The simple answer is No Win No Fee is a nightmare as they never go  on to quote Win and then what!!!!!  If you had paid by the hour for the solicitor you would get 100% settlement however I appreciate this is expensive.  If you sign no win no fee a good one will make there charges separate but some do unfortunately take a % of the claim.  Hopefully they have told you friend the settlement after their costs so your friend won't be disappointed.  I have seen claims for injuries where the insurer has paid £5000 for loss of a thumb the actual injured party receives £850.00 the rest is costs but against their insurance record is still a claim for £5000.  The best thing would be to read a copy of the agreement between her and the solicitor and this should outline the claim split.

    In future get your friend to purchase legal cover on her motor insurance.  Usualy £20 - £30 and they will fight case for her.  No extra charges


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