
Intense bleeding during fingering, normal? ?

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Okay I really could use some advice on some kind of personal stuff.

I have been fingered on numerous occasions, however recently I have begun to heavily bleed during the act. It has happened twice in a row so far. At first I thought my hymen was broken but the second time it bled even more heavily. Pimples have also started to form around the exterior of my v****a, which I don't know if they are from shaving or what? I'm beginning to get nervous that there may be something wrong, and I was wondering if this is normal or if i need to see a doctor? help : /




  1. Pimples can easily be confused with razor rash/ingrown hairs when you see them for the first time. If it's an ingrown hair you may be able to see a hair underneath the skin or if it has a 'white head' on it a hair should come out when you squeeze it. Razor rash will probably just be red bumps that are usually caused by shaving too close to the skin or shaving in the opposite direction to the hair growth (fine on your legs and underarms but a huge no-no down there)

    As for the bleeding bare in mind that the skin is very delicate in that region. It's very possible that you're being cut or scratched without noticing (you will almost never notice getting hurt down there when you're turned on unless it's severe) Check your partners figure nails because if they are too sharp that's probably your problem right there and ask them to be more gentle (you can be firm without being rough, so to speak)

    If the bleeding continues or if you don't think the 'pimples' are caused by shaving (although they probably are) then see a doctor because it's better to be safe than sorry with this sort of thing and it's a natural thing to see a doctor about.

  2. maybe yur nails are to lonq it happens to be too so dont wory about it and the "pimples" its probably razer burn cuz that also happens to me.

  3. the pimples are probably from shaving. The bleeding might be from being too rough maybe fingernail scratched the very careful hon..try not masturbating for a few days and then about a week later try it again but not as vigorous. If the problem persist even without you masturbating see a doctor. Also if the pimples don't go away.

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