
Intense phobia please help?

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I have this debilitating phobia of vomiting. I don't know where it came from although I do know it's been there pretty much my whole life. I have anxiety too so maybe that has something to do with it. My dad called me today and told me my mom was sick with the stomach flu and that set off a full blown panic attack - I haven't seen my mom since sunday and it's wednesday!

PLEASE tell me what I can do to get over this fear




  1. It really sounds like an anxiety issue. I suffer from anxiety due to a strong depression and trust me, sometimes I overreact over the stupidest things, or get scared. You should talk to your parents and ask them (or think yourself) if there might be anything in your past that might actually set off this phobia for vomiting. I have this friend who's scared of lettuce leaves, just because she once saw this kid throw up after eating a salad.. I mean, just take it slowly, and think, why am I so scared of this? I'm sure you'll find an answer and then you can actually start to accept, or control this phobia.

    Stay strong! :)

    Oh, and btw: don't listen to the ppl who tell you to provoke yourself into puking. You don't actually lose weight that easily, trust me, if you do, you can get throat bleeds all the time and a bunch of other nasty side effects. Stay healthy.

  2. see a phsychiatrist and have them help u face ur fear and get over with it...

  3. Same thing happens to me-- I think that if you just think about it honestly enough you will just get used to it and realize it is just a bodily function.. I start getting nervous and everything.. but really just think about the WORST thing that could happen. They throw up, you throw up (because it grosses you out) but then what? No one hates you and definitely a lot of people suffer from the same problem. I just try avoiding situations that could involve that... like amusement parks? But really, nothing terrible will happen so just relax. Also I heard that therapists actually recommend watching movies and things with vomiting in them so you just get used to it and relax about it. I know you probably don't want to do that but it will help. Just relax and calm down. Really, it honestly isn't such an awful thing, so no need to fear it.

  4. you should see a doctor. Have a talk to someone close to you and perhaps make an appoinment to talk to a professional councillor. Panick attacks is something that can really hinder you espeacially as you get old. If u dont learn to control these attacks then u can have some serious issues later in life.

  5. Force vomiting. Duh!

  6. ow

  7. Oh dear, i used to suffer with fear of vomiting too! go to a psychologist, she/he will most definently help you get over it.

  8. Therapy works best for getting over fears, but if your not into that get your friends to help you...

  9. go to the doctor.  

  10. Um, I think you just need to over come your fears

    Cause what are you gonna do if you ever vomit right?

  11. i have the perfect video for you to watch for this specific phobia if your interested just email me

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