
Intensity of LASER is????????

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what is the intensity of LASER?????????




  1. They come in all sizes from a few mw pointer to ones being developed by the DOD that put out x*x(classified)x*x watts.


  2. Intensity of any LASER device or type is the actual frequency intensity of the columnized and focused light energy output as it escapes from the laser medium, whether crystalline, gaseous, or other medium that will work to excite the electrons of the rebounding light pulse energy within that medium until a physical "population inversion" of anode and cathode charges literally "flip" polarity and force their way out of that particular laser medium in a sudden burst known as a laser pulse. But it would be useless if not so controlled, columnized, and focused by the laser's accompanying lens system. There are low power lasers such as the red beamed Helium-Neon gaseous media lasers seen in laser pointers and supermarket bar-code scanners and then there are other industrial lasers like those using Ytrium-Aluminum-Garnet crystals which are called, for short, YAG lasers, which can cut, etch, and mark many thick, dense, hard materials such as steel plate, quartz, wood, ceramics, exotic hard metal alloys, etc. There are many, many, many types of crystals that will lase, as well as so many other types of gaseous ones, too. These are only 2 types I am listing to show the diversity of laser applications. These YAG lasers can cut a man's finger off and simultaneously melt it right back on again as it cauterizes the incision it makes, but the severed part will dry up, shrivel, and die later as it cuts all the veins, capillaries, nerves, etc..that it would need to heal. Medical lasers are fairly low power so as to localize the depth of field focus of the laser energy and to cut and not damage surrounding good tissues. I hope I have inspired a few people to take up laser based careers in precision manufacturing, medical applications, and engraving, just to name a few. The "Star Wars Defense Initiative" we are planning to have in place in a decade or less will be based on massive super-powered and highly accurate, stable laser technology in close orbit to the earth with extremely powerful lasers that may shoot down and destroy any inter-continental ballistic missiles launched at any of our security interests around the globe such as in Europe or near our allies and our own homeland, but especially in our own hemisphere as a defensive protection. These lasers are being designed now by physicists and scientists to defend America and its allies very soon, to which Russia is objecting very, very strongly right now..

  3. "The intensity of light is equal to the power per unit time that it delivers divided by the area measured over. So in order to measure it conveniently for a laser, you need to know two things:

    1. The spot size of the laser beam (that is, how much area does the beam cover), and

    2. The power per unit time that it delivers.

    You can measure number one with a ruler, and for number two, you need some kind of optometer which measures the power in light in Watts."

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