
Interaction with audience?

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Hi. now i know this may seem a little silly but in my english class we have to be a business and try to sell a product. My group's business is being "Willy Wonka's Chocolate Factory". I was wondering if there are any fun ways to interact with the audience. Nothing like powerpoints or handouts that can be very boring or simple things like asking quesions, i need something FUN! any ideas?




  1. I really can't help--but it IS a fascinating issue!  I've done a little work in front of an audience, and it's like a RELATIONSHIP that develops!!  It's like we're saying (underground), "Well, we're all in this together--let's have fun!"  Can't define HOW to do that--but it IS AMAZING!!!!  I have no idea re your situation--BUT somehow, if you can establish a relationship with them, you've got them!!  You've got the idea--FUN!  GOOD LUCK!

  2. bring a bag of candy bars to class, pass them out and tell

    each student make up a slogan for your company, the best

    one get's a bouns and put in charge of the marketing dept . . .

  3. Show them how to make some kind of candy, and have them make it too.

  4. Have members of your group tell how chocolate changed their life, one by one (about 3), make it funny if you can.

    Pass out chocolates, one each to your audience and have each eat her chocolate, and a chart to rate them on how good they were and whether they think eating chocolate elevated their moods a bit.

    A brief history of chocolate's role and importance in society--a little presentation.

    Promote chocolate for gifts for budding businesses, to make friends and gain clients.

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