
Interesting Language to Learn?

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Okay, I am a teenager and I know these language

- French

- English

- German

Any cool and easy languages that you know of that i could pursue!?

Thanks :D




  1. Spanish is very useful and simimlar to English and French! Portugese and Italian are also similar (i think portugese is a mixture of french and spanish).

    Also, Japanese, as many people have suggested. It's one of the easier Asian languages (though I'm not saying it's easy), and has a very interesting culture. It might be cool to try something different than what you're used to. That's so awesome that you're trilingual! :) I'm trying to learn spanish and Japanese, but so far I'm still only fluent in English haha. Good luck!

  2. I don't know about 'easy' but a cool, very old language is Castilian which originates in northern Spain. That would be awesome if you knew how to speak this language.  

  3. Mandarin Chinese.

    Eventually, the Chinese will take over the world, and you've gotta be ready when they do!

    And also, if you're ever lost in China, you can ask the other 870 million people for directions.

  4. Indonesian

  5. interesting language german, easy to learn spanish, good to learn english. another interesting language would be finnish or cherokee

  6. The other national and international Romance languages: Spanish, Italian or Portuguese. Your knowledge of French and English will help you in recognizing words of Latin roots (about 80% in Spanish, Italian and Portugeuese since Latin is its mother language). Your knowledge in French will help you alot in conjugation and syntax in these 3 languages

  7. I would recommend Hindi, very beautiful sounding language, it has a nice ring to it.

    Or you could study a dead language.  Learn how to read Ancient Egyptian, or learn Akkadian, Celtic, Latin, Greek, Old English, Sanskrit, Aramaic...

    Many dead languages were some of the most beautiful languages ever spoken.

  8. Japanese!!

    u can learn how to read,write & speak Japanese in about 6 months!;)

  9. why not try latin? yeah, i know it's a dead language but that makes pronunciation that much easier 'cause you won't have to engage in conversations. it's not all that hard. you'll recognize a lot of latin words as bases for other languages (esp. the ones you already  know). plus, you can be the only one of your friends that can read official mottos and such.

    or what about gaelic(sp?)? it's probably very difficult but it's a dying language and so beautiful it would be a shame to lose it.

  10. learn Ethiopian gnarliest language u can learn u will probably never use it again but its awesome.

  11. Swahili is cool.

  12. I would recommend Japanese, because the way the language is developed is incredible. Each letter has meanings and symbols that contain more meanings and meanings change when they are with other words. Practically everything in the language MEANS more than one thing, even names. It's beautiful. I did a pretty terrible job describing what I was trying to say.

  13. Japanese. Clearly you're only dipping into the European languages, why not try something totally different? Asian languages are totally differnent from European languages because they have different grammar, completely unfamiliar vocabulary (whereas languages like french and english, french and german, have many words that are shared or cognates). Give yourself a challenge, its fun writing the kanji (picture writing) and will enrich your mind in a cultural sense!

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