
Interesting question about bbt!? Please Read!?

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Has anyone slept naked on night and have an unexpected bbt. Last night I feel asleep after taking a shower and when I took my temperature it was lower than i expected. I never sleep naked so I was wondering if it could effect my bbt? Also how much of a drop did you have it happened to you?




  1. that's a strange one it could be a number of things which made your temperature drop not just because you slept naked or went in the shower best time to take bbt is first thing in the morning when u wake.

  2. Definitely yes it can alter your temp, it doesn't really matter what the difference was there's no way to know what your accurate one would be.

    I tested this theory last cycle (well not purposely to start with) as hubby put the heater on in our room and when I woke up my temp was higher then normal, other times I would put the fan on low and my temp would be lower, other times I slept naked and yep any change in your sleeping pattern can muck up your temps. There's no way to know what your temp would of been normally if sleeping naked is not your normal routine. So disgard the temp and try make sure you dress in the routine pj's or whatever so your temp is accurate.

    Oh and my temps would vary from nearly a full degree which throws your chart out bigtime especially online ones like FF where the site interprets your chart.

  3. I dont think this would make that much of a difference. I sleep with a tshirt and boxers sometimes or pajama pants and sometimes i sleep naked and my temps are still in the 96 range which is low then when i ovulate it goes into the 97's. Also i live in AZ so if anything it would make me hotter when i wear pajamas or cooler when i wear nothing, So it could just be a fluke or your body could just be trying to cool off in the summer months. Good luck and keep charting and dont worry about 1 temp and never adjust temps. Just see what your overall pattern is, try :) I like it and it helps keep me on track :)

  4. ooh good question... you know. i never even considered this...  seems kind of like DUH now... =)  

  5. when ever your sleeping conditions change,your temps can change. if u normally sleep with clothes on, u bet u will have a lower temp in the morning. i sleep with just the fan on me w a blanket over my body, but my husband likes the A/C on very cold too. i shut it off but when he turns it on, my temps are always lower, like in the low 97's when i should be at least 98. so yes, your temps are likely to be lower because u slept naked.  

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