
Interesting sights in Barcelona?

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we are going to Bacelona at the end of November and want to find interesting places to visit. Of course, I know there is Sagrada Familia and other churches and museums, we will visit them for sure.

But does anyone know if there are streets/districts, that aren't popular among tourists that are woth visiting? Because we want to find out more about the culture of Barcelona, not only about the things that are written in the tourist guides.

Thanks in advance!




  1. I've visited Barcelona about once a year since 1991, and I still haven't seen everything worth visiting...

    The Gothic Cathedral and the surrounding Quarter (El Barri Gothic), including the city hall (Ayuntamiento) in the Plaça Sant Jaume...

    Las Ramblas...

    Plaça de Catalunya...

    All of Gaudis prodigious buildings, his own home in the Parc Güell, the park itself..

    The Sagrada Familia (don't eat in the vicinity, the area is a tourist trap)

    Tibidabo, views are magnificent from the café El Mirador...

    Montjuic, with the fortress and magnificent views of the city...

    El Poble Espanyol...

    Parc de Pedralbes with its Palace....

    Ciutat Vella...

    El Raval...

    Fira de Mostres with the Palau Alfonso XIII and Palau Victoria Eugenia and behind them the Museu Nacional de Arte de Catalunya...

    Camp Nou (football stadium)...

    The Diagonal (The longest avenue in the city)...

    La Barceloneta...


    Parc de la Ciudadela with the Zoo...

    And many other things....

    Then If you have time, leave the city and drive to Monserrat.. The monastery is beautiful and the views also.

    Sant Sadurni d'Anoia to visit the wineries (Codorniu has a fantastic guided visit).

    Sitges, on the coast, and have a meal at any one of the wonderful restaurants across from the beach.

    There are so many things worth doing, places worth visiting... No matter how long your stay is, it will seem too short!


    P.S. The food is magnificent...Almost everywhere... Don't leave without having a "pan amb tomaquet" for breakfast or a snack (specially with jamon serrano)!

  2. Gothic Quarter


    Olympic Park

    Diagonal Mar

    The Barceloneta Beach area

  3. Parc Guell, the waterfront, La Segrada Familia was really nice.

    The Gothic Quarter I enjoyed alot.

    There are so much things to do in Barcelona and I can't wait to go back

  4. hello!

    I went to barcelona last october!

    I loved this place!!it's wonderful and funny city...

    there's always a lot of people...alond the main street(ramblas)...there are always a lot of street artist...who sing who dancing who painting and so's not room to bored...

    u must go to PORT VELL where u'll find a particular bridge and a lot of faashion shops in MAREMAGNUM centre commercial...

    than u must walk along the the end of this there is PLACA DE CATALUNYA where u find a biiiig centre commercial(8floor)

    than u can continue to PASSEIG DE GRACIA here there is a spectacular CASA BATLLO DE GAUDI'(wonderful)

    an other magic place(on night)it's PORT OLYMPIC where there are looooots of discos and restaurant and too much lights....I loved it!!!!!

    to PORT VELL there is a aquarium...nice

    than I catched a train to PORT AVENTURA 8tarragona)you leave from estacio' de fraca(it's a train station) it's a adventure park like eurodisney ,

    park guell

    sagrada familia


    and paella and sangria!!!

    u'll love barcelona!the best place!!


    if u want some infos write me

  5. Barcelona is a wonderful but congested city.  If you want to touch on the culture and experience a difference from the rest of Spain, try taking a few lessons in Catalan -- the language of Cataluna.  While you should be fine getting around in English (or even Spanish!), an appreciation of Catalan will make the visit more memorable.  

    I've also included a link to a site that has a TON of recommendations...and I'm pretty sure you'd be hard-pressed to see all of the sites and sounds.

    My impressions of Spain and Barcelona were gained through walking the streets and taking the local trains, as well as studying Spanish in a local language school...but also living with a Catalan family outside of Barcelona.  Seeing some of the outlying cities (like Vilafranca Del Penedes, with it's Museu de Vi), Montserrat, and others, can leave even more meaningful memories.

  6. Lots of great suggestions already posted.

    Don't forget:  Palau de Musica, Poble Espanyol (in Montjuic - I shot about 100 photos in only a couple of hours there, and have edited and expanded that to something like 300!)

    We had a great time at the Chocolate museum, too.  

    Don't forget there are tons of side trips you can take from Barcelona.

    Montserrat, to visit the Monestary, and lots of people make pilgrimage to see the Black Virgin.  

    The Costa Brava to the north is full of quaint little towns, many of which were home to famous artists like Picasso, Miro, and Dali.  I think Monet lived in Cadaques for part of his life.

    We went to Tarragona, to see the Roman ruins...spectacular!

    Got enough?  How about the Picasso museum, and his many hangouts...I understand the 4chats is way cool!

    We found ourselves a bit lost in a neighborhood called El Raval...very working class, and foreign expats, but neat.

    Oh, and don't forget to eat lots of the ice cream.  It's some of the best you'll ever find!  Most of the little places make their own fresh, and it's really good!

  7. Get a Michellin turist guide for Barcelona, is the best thing you can do, you can buy it overthere, very good

  8. Barri Gòtic (Old Town), Born Quarter, Les Rambles, Beaches, Sagrada Familia, Passeig de Gràcia (Walkway), Parc Güell, Montjuic Park, MACBA (Museum of Modern Art), Raval Quarter, Barceloneta Quarter and the entire city! Remember they speak catalan! (also spanish)

  9. Tibidabo, La Rambla, La Sagrada Familia, Camp Nou and Parc Guell.

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