
International student ( without TOFEL )?

by  |  earlier

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i found grant to continue my study abroad.... master .. but i have to get accepted from university

do you know any university in USA accept international student but dosen't require TOFEL .. ?




  1. Not any legit ones.  Take the TOFEL.

  2. There's no university in the USA that doesn't require Toefl. The language of instruction there is English so they have to make sure that they will admit students who are capable of communicating in it academically. Otherwise, it would be pointless. If you are taking masters, all the more they need to verify your skills in English and they usually require a higher score. If you don't want to take Toefl, there are other tests that they also accept like IELTS and MELAB. You can also take English courses first if you don't feel confident that you'll meet their English requirement.

  3. Every University in U S wants foregin Students to take TOEFL and it is a pre-requisite without which you will not receive the I-20 .

    Its not so hard, just a bit of good english is required to clear the test.

    Go thorugh this site for a feel about the TOEFL test, it has dummy TESTS

    Hope it helps.

  4. Is English your 1st language?

    Because if it is you are not required to take TOFEL.

    Its not a hard test anyway, it just proves that you can read and write in english which is a USA college requirement.

  5. Maybe there are some private  Colleges, but I havn't heard jet.

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