
Internet in Ecuador?

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Is there high speed internet available in Cuenca or Quito, or is it equivalent to dial up (slow speeds)? Also, how much does it cost? Thanks




  1. Internet in available in both Cuenca and Quito. I work for the Nicaraguan government and travel a lot, last time i was in Quito, Ecuador was April of 2007. I used my laptop and was connected via WiFi from my hotel; I also went around the city, very beautiful; I ran across a small Internet Cafe (with some of the best coffee i have ever tasted). The charge for one hour was $1 (since they use the U.S. Dollar in Ecuador). The connection was a Cable connection and was very fast, th connection at the hotel was also Cable. I know there are dial-up and DSL connections as well, but don't know if the speed on them is relatively as fast as cable.

    Also, for a subscription to an Internet Provider in Ecuador shouldn't be too expensive since the price was supposed to drop 40% at the end of 2007.

  2. in many home in Ecuador the internet is connected to the phone lines and can be very expensive, however there will be places that offer internet the thing is the places with the cheapest price have the best internet and the ones that cost more have somewhat of a worse connection idk about Cuenca but in Quito there are two of these places in the southern part of the city in Villa Flora near a trole stop right next to a Santa Maria supermarket is one im very familiar with and they have the best connection for 25 cents 10 minutes or less
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