
Interpret this dream for me please?

by  |  earlier

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This dream occurred a couple nights ago, and I do not remember all the details. I was at a scene of an accident and I knew I was there to help people (I don't have any medical training so it does not make sense). I may have been looking for my friend who passed away recently because she was on my mind. Someone asked me if I were ready and I was feeling confident so I said of course. Then all of a sudden I felt weak and very unsure about what I just said. I passed out right there in my dream: Everything went black. I got dizzy. I could feel myself falling. Tingling sensation all over my body. Felt like I was losing consciousness and I got scared. Then I woke up.

Is it possible to pass out in a dream? And what could this mean?




  1. it sounds like you may be dreaming of your friends death. what you disscribed about passing out, sounds like a death dream. maybe your friend is trying to contact you from the other side to show you how it was for her.

  2. ok i know exactly what this means. it means there is something major coming up in your life, but you are not sure if you are ready for it. sorry, i know it wasnt much help

  3. Suicide with the most difficult kind of death to handle.  Since your friend was in the medical field and you relate the dream to her and to not having medical training, the dream does relate to your feelings toward your friend's death.   I would wonder if there was some type of conflict in your relationship.  I say this since in your dream you are at first confident and then just the opposite passing out.  This suggests there may be aspects of this relationship that you are afraid to pursue because of what you may find.

  4. because your friend passed away, you thought you could have helped people stay alive, but because she is dead you realised in this dream by fainting that you couldnt have saved anyone.

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