
Interpreting dreams.?

by Guest58223  |  earlier

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I keep having dreams about my boyfriend getting back with his ex. The most recent one was where she was standing in her bathing suit in someone's yard, and me and my boyfriend were walking down the street. He ran over to her and made out with her right in front of me, like he didn't even care I was there. These have happened about three or four times. What does this mean? Should I talk to him? I don't want him to like, think about her though if I bring it up. If you know what I mean. But these dreams ruin my whole day. Because I wake up in a bad mood, it effects my day and my interactions. How can I avoid them?




  1. Your dream seems very much based in some insecurities about your relationship and the attractiveness of this ex girlfriend of his.

    This is a very normal reaction so very often - but you must deal with it or have jealousy impose itself destructively in your relationship.  You do not need to talk about the dream with your boyfriend - but you do need to spend the time with him in ways that can build your confidence about his devotion to you.  In time you will know how committed or distracted he may really be - and can then judge without the bias of jealousy.

    Focus on building the relationship - and convince yourself to risk reasonably in doing so.  Life never holds guarantees in such things, but we generally reap what we are willing to sow.  We can never reap what is not sown or without having risked our feelings in such matters.

    Consider these things - they may help you replace the dreams with realized happiness.

    All the best to you.

  2. Well this could be either your worries about his actual involvement with her and you feeling like you don't matter around him OR it could be a big hint from elsewhere that you should be moving on.  Get busy ....  Real busy.  Take an exercise class or something that makes you feel good about yourself.  Then it will matter a whole lot less whether he likes her or you.  You may find that after you are feeling better about you, he will seem less interesting anyhow.  Either that or he will find you more interesting ;)

  3. well this is what is known as possessiveness. and you don't actually trust him that to him and tell him that there are certain things that makes you worry about him and try having faith on him....give your relationship some time.

  4. i use

    their dream dictionary is really helpful...but in short, you subconsciously dont trust him, or even though you do trust him you dont feel adequate or good enough to please him enough to stay, like a self-esteem issue, dont doubt yourself!

  5. To see others kissing in your dream, suggests that you are too involved in their personal lives and relationship. You need to give them some space.

    I think maybe you are somewhat concerned about your boyfriend getting back with his ex, and so you are dreaming about it happening. He wouldn't be with you if he didn't want to be! Stop worrying about it, because you're only making yourself upset! And plus, if you accuse him of something he isn't doing, it'll just push him away.

  6. This dream is probably more about you than him. Maybe its trying to tell you have confidence in who you are, not to be moved by insecurities. If you believe in yourself and can TRUST, then its no biggie. But just be strong and confident in the fact that someone can love you and be faithful to you so long as you believe that thats what you deserve!
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