
!!!!! Interview Help !!!!!

by  |  earlier

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Okay... so ive had two interviews at a department store, and both times i have been interviewed by an employee.

is that something that is standard? i have yet to meet with someone in hire management, but i still have to wait for the call that they are still interested.

My question is... is it normal to be interviewed by two employees who look no older than 19 for a job in a department store? Do you think something sketchy is going on, and why are employees interviewing candidates, when (to my knowledge) someone from hire management usually takes the second interview?

please let me know!




  1. Is this 2 interviews at the same department store? Are the people interviewing you in the department you are interviewing for? In a place I used to work they had me and another salesperson interview prospective hires because they figured that we would recognize another good salesperson. What they didn't realize is that because we were on straight commission, if there was someone who we thought was good we would give them thumbs down because they would be strong competition. So they didn't really think that one through! I guess my answer is that you may have to get through these initial people first, and they may make decisions based on picking their own co-workers which is a bad way to do things all around if you ask me. Hang in there and good luck!

  2. Yes it is normal for a department store because they realize you are young and they do not want to scare you. Also they want to see how you act around people only a few years older.  

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