
Interview question help?

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Help!! I need help with some interview questions for an upcoming interview for an overseas job. One of the questions is "give an example of a cultural difference that you dislike and how you overcome your dislike of the custom?" I can't think of any cultural difference that I don't like - I like them all and find them interesting...




  1. Well say that and to me by saying that the employer will see that you are open minded to new things and cultural experiences and they will probably like that....they might think that it wont take you long to adjust

  2. If you say that, you will come off as arrogant.  There has to be at least a few cultural differences unless you are moving back to your home country....even then you can certainly think of one or two things that can be improved upon.  

    It doesn't have to be earth shattering...maybe something like, I will have to get up 30 minutes earlier because I can't take my car; so, I will be taking public transportation!  or, I am going to have to put in a lot of overtime so  I can call my mother every night!  keep it light if you really can't find anything that you potentially see as a problem.

    Good luck and have fun in your new country!!

  3. u dont nesesarily have to make something up. just say u like them all is not like they're going to denyed u a job just because u like different cultures

  4. That is a good answer.. never say you are culurally biased. say thazt you are interested to learn more about all cultures. That you believe to know about other cultures is a very positive thing as it prevents prejudice and helps people understand other people from different cultural backgrounds better. never be narrow minded or prejudiced so never talk negative about other cultures.. xx

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