
Introducing new cat into home

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we just took in a stray cat. he is still young, looks to be under a year. he really isnt feral feral, but still skiddish. he and our dog get along great! best friends. but we took the cat inside after getting him neutered and kept him and our other cat separated. This has been like a week. We introduced them last night and my old cat pounced on the new guy. We were near by to stop something like this from happening. How can I help them be friends? Both cats love the dog, but they dont like each other. what can we do?




  1. Here's an article you might find helpful:

    Good Luck!

  2. If only i knew what breed your old one was. Some cats are very jealous! and mean very jealous! Cats like to think they are the boss and that they run the house hold (even though they don't :) ) Try keeping an eye on them for a while with out devoting all your attention to the 'stray'. if you act like you love the old one more he wont get as jealous. feed them in separate rooms and wait for them to get used to each other. Your old cat probably feels the 'stray' is invading his home so it will take them a bit of getting used to :) hope i helped!

  3. just put them together but be there to supervise. I work in a kennel and when the cats first arrive they're usually very upset. We keep them in their condo's for a day and then we open the door and give them the option to get out and roam if they want to. Eventually they come around and are able to tolerate the other cats. Just don't push it.

  4. I have always been told to just introduce and let them sort but some people have said if you could set up a gate, say in the bathroom, this would allow them to sniff each other and become accustomed. Another suggestion is to allow one cat out in the house at a time to introduce their scent. That way when the other comes they cannot feel as territorial over the whole house. Just some ideas, most animals warm up to each other after a time without any tricks. Good Luck!

  5. have one person hold your old cat and you hold the new cat or the other way around have the person with the old cat sit down and the person with the new cat slowly get closer and closer to the other cat and then sit down next to the old cat have both people pet the cats so maybe the old cat wont notice the new cat and if your old cat pounces squirt him with water but if he does not give him a treat. do this everyday till the old cat gets used to the new cat and make sure you are holding both cats firmly so the will feel secure

  6. They will be ok, just let them handle it unless it gets too mean.

  7. well cats are normally solitary animals so the fact that they bonded with the dog it great! it may take a while for the cats to get used to each other so give it time but just in case don't get too attached to the newcomer. For more advice ask your local pet shop or vet!

  8. Get the new cat a cat carrier box (from the Vet).  For another week OR TWO, keep the new cat in it when both cats are in doors - let it out to eat and such but keep it in the carrier.  The older cat will be able to get the scent of the new cat in it surroundings and vice-versa.  After maybe 10 days like this introduce them again.

    Note: there WILL BE growling and hissing.  They're just sizing up who this other cat is and who is going to be dominate.  This has nothing to do with you, so stay out of their conversations.  They have to do this themselves.  

    All the Best.

    Break up any fights and if they continue to fight, its back to the box for new cat for another 7 to 10 days.  This works.

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