
Intuitive feelings of dread?

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I've got an obsessive feeling of dread that hasn't cropped up in years. I don't know what to do, it just started without warning. I cannot sleep, despite the fact that I took sleeping pills, and I have the desire to call my family and tell them not to go to work, to stay home tomorrow.

I feel as if I'm going mad, I've had these before, and they've never just disappeared. My runes are screaming of danger, as is my tarot, three separate decks.

I just...don't know what to do, and I feel as if I know what it is, as if it's on the edge of my subconcious. Any advice?




  1. Have you considered a natural cause?  Depression or perhaps PMS?  Is your mind open to the possibility you're just down in the dumps and that this feeling is not paranormal and has nothing to do with impending doom?

    But if you believe things like runes and picture cards can tell you your future then you're probably not going to settle on a natural cause for something like this.

  2. Do not get paranoid..we are still to understand the paranormal in a far fetched way before we start relying on pure instincts

    Yes I too had felt a dread a few days before my sister passed away...

    See but their have been other times where I have felt dread and panic and nothing has happned at in ntg bad..ntg good...the feeling has just passed away in due time

    Try doing some deep breathing to relax yourself...and if consciously you do have something to worry about why not just sort it and relax yourself dear

  3. You could also, this time, be suffering from something called a high electro magnetic field.  It is something ghost hunters check for.  Very high levels of emf can make you feel paranoia and feelings of dread.  It can come from one malfunctioning electrical outlet or if you have an outlet full of electric wires.  Like for instance if you have a surge strip and have your TV, Computer, lights, etc all plugged into the same place.  It isn't that I don't believe you.  I hunt ghosts.  It just makes sense to try to debunk it first.

  4. Try positive affirmations - they work wonders for all kinds of  "stuck" thoughts, feelings.  The book I use is by Ernest Holmes - "This Thing Called You".  It is full of affirmations, and this book has helped me so much I couldn't even tell you.

  5. The way you've worded this, you're saying you've had these feelings before right?

    What happened before? Did any of your feelings end up being valid or did they end up as just feelings of dread that ended up as nothing?

    If they ended up being nothing, then relax. This could be stress related or feelings that you just aren't interpreting quite correctly.

    I don't know what types of meditation, relaxation, or anything you normally do, but whatever it is that does usually work for you is what you should try. You have probably gotten all  you can out of your divination tools for now. Picking them up again will not likely yield anymore information at this point and may just confuse things further. I would recommend brewing yourself a nice cup of tea (maybe some chamomile or some calming blend if you have it), play some relaxing music and just relax. Do some breathing and recognize that there is no more you can do about this tonight - you can look at it again tomorrow. Meditation or relaxation techniques would be good to try too. Then see if you can get some sleep.

    See if you feel better tomorrow. If not, you can try to get more information then if you still think there may be something to this.  

    Take care.

  6. Seek psychological help.

  7. Well I brought out my tarot cards to see if I can be of any help, but I didn't really understand it.  Anyways, try to find peace within, conserve your energy, stay the course and hold onto your principles.  Let go of your feelings of uselessness however you can, to release this attachment.  Don't be objective, rather follow your feelings, intuition and impulses.  It's ok to have selfish thoughts.  Good luck and peace be with you.

  8. If you pray to your God, and ask for help. Also try some meditation and please warn those closest to you and watch yourself. But understand that you can't let it consume you or your energy. Also try the prayer for protection of the white light. I've had some problems with sleep and something shaking me awake(at my fingers and toes), despite tylenol pm. Last night my daughter awoke screaming at her wall like something was there, and I couldn't get her to lay back down until I said the prayer, then she went to sleep, so I asked for the protection as well, and then I could sleep and all the weird stuff stopped.for today. I hope this helps you and I will pray for you:)

  9. Oh dear. But then, this time, tell yourself that nothing is going to happen and that you are going to have a great time. Micro-telekinesis. It may just work.

  10. This happens to me, too! It started about 10 yrs ago, It happens when there is a big, traumatic event on the horizon whether for myself, family, friends or the outside world.

    Unfortunately I've never been able to pinpoint what is going to happen no matter how I try. I can get close sometimes but usually don't understand it's meaning until the event occurs. I know which event it is that I was subconsciously anticipating because when it plays out it's like a release, my body & mind begin to feel relief from the symptoms almost immediately.

    It's a scary thing when this oppressive feeling starts coming on because I feel helpless to do anything to prevent whatever is coming. I just have to ride it out & I keep in mind that I'm probably not meant to prevent it & if I am meant to then I'll figure it out.

    I have told this to a couple  people close to me so that when it starts happening I can at least let them know.

  11. Just pray. How can you do something about something that you don't know what it is? Do you want to have a nervous breakdown eventually from taking all this on? Just make a stand and tell"whoever" that if you're supposed to do something to keep this thing from tell you what it is and what to do...or to leave you alone. These thing will build up over the years and your body /nerves won't be able to handle it eventually. You are not in charge of the world. You can only take care of your own life and try to help your family. You really can't  afford to take on the cares of the world.You can't go around telling people to stay home or not catch an airplane etc. Unless you find out something specific and what to do about it...all you can do is put it in God's hands. Maybe the sleeping pills are getting to you. Medication can make you paranoid. I'm not saying that you are...I'm just saying to keep that in mind. Also..lack of sleep can make things seem exaggerated.

    Edit..OK..I understand now..but I'm not sure I'd call it a "gift"...maybe an "ability". I don't see the purpose in it though..unless it's like you keep you home or near those it's happening to. I hope  nothing bad happens this time. Pray PrayPray. So sorry about the bad things that have happened to you.

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