
Invega side effects?

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I know Invega increases the amount of prolactin (or whatever) in your body - which leads to irregular menstruation and swollen b*****s. But if someone doesn't mind the side effects because of how much it helps, is it hazardous to your health to not stop because of these effects? I don't want to stop taking the Invega but I want to make sure I'm not harming myself by continuing..




  1. Wow.  Bill has some issues.  All medication comes with risks, some much greater than those of psych meds.

    Listen to your doctor on this.  Pituitary tumors are a big deal.  There are other antipsychotics, and as mist said, anticonvulsants are better primary meds for most with bipolar if that is your disorder.

  2. Go to this link

    You could not be talking a MORE harmful class of drugs I am sorry to say. You really are harming yourself and others are harming you telling you take it. I was harmed greatly by these drugs. There are billion dollar lawsuits flying around the antipsychotics and there are billions of reasons why, they kill. Read the link, and feel free to email or IM me.

    Man I hope you can get of harm's way. I cry when I read about this sort of stuff. How dare they give you that. A chemical lobotomy, you better beware, you are reading this through a chemical haze, and all the info might not  get through, your cognitive function is diminished, take your time reading my link, and read it twice if need be. You are lucky I replie to your question believe me. Don't listen to these other fools that take this rubbish, they will no doubt be selling it to you like all the others that don't care about your body.

    I'm a bozo according to the kind lady below. This lady is so kind she is prepared for you to get tumors.

    She says 'if you are bipolar' well well well.... wheres the test? no test? throwing darts at a board. Antipsychotic is just a marketing  name for major tranquilizer, they changed the name about ten years ago to make it sound like some big discovery on the cause of psychosis was found, its all a lie, these are nothing but chemical lobotomies and rape your mind and soul.

    Psychiatry does not understand the biological underpinnings of any thought, be it jealousy, anger, or delusion, or faith. To claim they have a pill for psychosis is such an evil lie. It is nothing but a major tranquilizer that turns you into a zombie.

    Google 'tardive dyskenesia' and take a good look at what the antipsychotics can do.  Ever seen a man with a twitching face and smacking lips  (for the rest of his life uncontrollable) that's from antipsychotics, oh sorry, major tranquilizers, they bring about permanent damage in the brain.

    And I'm a 'bozo' apparently. Because I seek to prevent you getting brain damage, missing out on a full life, or getting tumors.

    The evidence that these drugs do more harm than good could fill the congressional library. The evidence that you have a chemical imbalance has never been presented to you or your family. Just someone's 'opinion', and someone whose economic well being depends on the drug companies poisons, and you trust them at your peril. I know I have lost a great deal from trusting these frauds. Read the link, do your own research think for yourself. I'm no 'bozo' this clown who says switch to yet another billion dollar lawsuit drug is the bozo.  So invega gives you tumor, zyprexa has given 30,000 people diabetes and 1.2 billion dollars in lawsuit damages have been paid out, Haldol gave people disfiguiring facial musicle brain damage, droperidol caused heart attacks in fit 20 year olds, the FDA covered up the zyprexa scandal, the FDA covered up vioxx, you yeah, just  switch to another one if it gives you side effects, forget the fact that if you ask for the MAIN EFFECT to be explained to you they have no evidence, just keep trusting psychs, pharma  and the FDA.... right.

  3. If you have pschosis, antipsychotics are far safer than going without.  Ignore the bozo who posted earlier.  If you are bipolar, the same may apply, although there also are anticonvulsants and Lithium which may either help equally and eliminate the need or work well enough to allow you to substantially reduce the dose.  For bipolar, those are things to seriously consider.

    As for Invega and prolactin problems, the end result is that excess prolactin can cause petuitary tumors (and I'd guess other problems).  My recommendation is to switch over to another antipsychotic and give it or them a try.  Sometimes only one works well.  Other times there are other meds within the same drug class that give you all the benfits without the side effects.  I haven't been on Invega because my doc will not prescribe Invega or Risperdol due the prolactin problems she's had with other patients.  However, I have had luck with a couple other antispychotics at low doses for bipolar, and I do understand your reluctance to give up a med that works.  
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