
Invitation letter from netherlands and money?

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I'm traveling to the Netherlands next month on the 6th (planning on it anyway) and staying only one week. My boyfriend lives there and is paying for my hotel, food, etc. So I wasn't planning on bring a whole lot of cash with me. Does anyone know how much money I would need to bring in order to show I have sufficient funds or could I bring a credit card and just show them? If I absolutely had to.. I would bring my mom's credit card and just not use it while over there. And how would he go about getting me an invitation letter? Is it a long process? And if I had sufficient funds (using the credit card) would this invitation letter even be necessary?

Sorry asked so many questions, I'm a first time traveler.




  1. From your question I guess that you need to apply for a visa, not coming from Europe nor North America.

    If so, only information from the Dutch embassy or consulate for your country is to be trusted.

    From what I read, getting an invitation letter is not easy, takes a lot of time and some money.

    Having a credit card is not enough, you need to proof that you have the money to pay the cards bills.

    If you are from a country that does not need a letter of invitation, you also do not need to proof you have enough money, normally that is, so in that case, a credit card in your name would be enough, but I doubt that your mothers credit card will do in any case.

    Having a return ticket is more trustworthy, but might not be enough in itself.

    Maybe you can add the country you come from to your question (both your nationality and country of residence if they are different) so we can really help you.

    Any answer stating that you do not need an invitation without mention of the country you come from is not to be trusted.

    You can find out whether you need visa on this site:

    But in any case, double check with the embassy or consulate, the info is mostly on their site.

  2. Unless you are applying for a residence permit to stay and live in the Netherlands it doesn't matter how much money you bring on your vacation/holiday. No letter is necessary, just bring some cash and a credit card. Good to have some money of your own even if your expenses are being paid by someone else.

    Have fun! Your coming to a wonderful country.

  3. I wasn't going to answer this as you got a couple of good answers, but I saw your additional comments, so a quick reply :0)

    If you are from the US and coming to NL only for a tourist visit less than 3 months then you will not need a visa as you fly here under the 'Visa Waiver Program'  Therefore you will not need a letter of invitation or to show "sufficient funds".  You can just come along as a tourist and visit the Netherlands.  Immigration may ask you questions but if you have proof of a contact address to stay - ie hotel (or I in your case your bf's details), and a return ticket, then this will normally be all they ask for

    I have been to the US twice under the same agreement and a friend of mine has visited me as well here in Europe without either

    The tip about the ATM card is good though as this is generally the least costly way of exchanging money and also means that you will not have to carry a lot of cash around with you (which is never a good idea)

    Anyway, have a lovely stay and don't worry, it's always a little bit "unknown" the first time around, but also makes it exciting!  Have fun

  4. How long are you going for? Just a week?

    Credit cards generally are NOT good idea in the Netherlands, not many places outside of the big tourist cities will accept them. And outside of the US, you simply cannot use a credit card with someone else's name on it.

    I suggest contacting your bank and asking them if it's possible to use your ordinary ATM card there, and if not, can you get a card that you can use to access your normal bank account in the US. You can withdraw Euros at the ATM in the Netherlands, and the equivalent is debited from your bank in the US. Be warned though - the Euro is very strong at the moment. If you can manage on less than 200 Euro for than week, try to.

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