
Iphone HELP!!? please help ?

by  |  earlier

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Last night i was texting my friend she left me a voicemail and my iphone brought me to the page and now I'm stuck here if i press the home button it takes me to my favorite in contacts! i aslo tryed to shut it down. i hold on to the lock and the screen is blank it only lets me lock my phone. and if i get a text i still can reply but if i push the main button i go back to favorites! please help!




  1. How long have you had the phone? Sounds like a manufactor defect, because if you weren't pressing button and fooling around with it, it shouldn't of did that.

    Then you should call your phone company and tell them what happen That was only 2 days ago. call and complain. They will proble tell you to go down there. So they can look at it, because that was my first thought that your phone was new.

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