

by Guest55915  |  earlier

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hi I'm in italy there's the iphone..but I want to buy it in America because is not too there only the black or white iphone or there are other colors?




  1. they only come in white and black.

  2. The I-Phone is really over rated. Loads of people have had problems. I'm not sure about the I-Phone clolours though, but if you google it, you'll find out. The I-Phone costs LOADS of money (Not just buying it). You receive emails for which you are charged for, even if you don't use the internet, you still get charged.

    Just making you aware, don't waste your money...

  3. they just came out with the iphone 3g in america and right now they are only in white or there arnt any other colors yet, also i think it would be more expensive to have it shipped from america to italy, rather then just buying it at italy

  4. You are asking this in the wrong category :p

    there are only white and black right now, more colors will come out probably in the future.

  5. Hey!

    I think the iPhone is great, but I agree that it is extremely expensive for teens. I chose to get a Sidekick 3, which was a little cheaper.

    Yes, there is only black and white now but you can buy cases which are various colors and textures.

    Just buy it in Italy, it would cost a lot to ship it, plus there would only be an American plug.

    Peace : ]

    Ciao :P

    -Gossip Girl
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