
Irish folk?

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I went to Dublin a few years ago and was amazed at how friendly everyone was,I want to know Do the Irish get on with everyone and how come they are sooooooooo nice ????




  1. They are nice. i know of a case when a farmer on his tractor was asked by a tourist the way to a place. The farmer said follow me. They travelled 30 miles and the farmer said here we are. He was asked where he lived and he replied, around the corner where we met. That's the Irish.

  2. I know, we're a mighty bunch!

    I'd be shocked to hear that you didn't like us!

    Hope you come back and explore the rest of the country!

    Glad you had so much fun!

  3. we get along with most people but we are far to much stereotyped into a group of drinkers and friendly, treat as people not a country

  4. Yes we are great.  I am only half Irish but don't admit to the other half.

  5. Yeah, we irish get along with everyone. We are nice because we are all content. We are content because we have everything we need in our gorgeous land. Beautifull smart women and a great selection of alchohol. Awesome. Sweet.

  6. strangers they like-its each other they can`t stand;but yes,they are a friendly lot with all the pople they meet.....

  7. Actually there is a serious issue of racism starting to develop in parts of Ireland. not to mention that religion is still a touchy subject. I'm Protestant and in school I was really laid into as a result even though I didn't practice it and was essentially an atheist. I got slammed up against a locker and told to go to "some ponce proddy school".

  8. We are just nice positive friendly people!!

  9. ah sure - it might be friendliness - and it might be nosiness! Maybe we just want to know your business!

  10. I was born and bred in England.....I moved to Ireland, and although I'm in England at the moment due to heart is bleeding to go 'home'.

    I have never in my life, felt so at home.  From the first time we moved into our house in Ireland, our neighbours treated us as family.

    The Irish are friendly because they are genuine.....they see the person, not what the person wears.  I would never again own a home in England.  Ireland is my home.

  11. We know it's easier to extract money for the unsuspecting if we're nice to them ... no, seriously, we get on with most people.

  12. They don't get on with everyone!

  13. ya we are a friendly lot arent we?! iu dunno why cos we were treated terribly for years! but its nice to hear of visitors and tourists to MY island been treated so courteously! pay it forward!

  14. I don't think theres any mystery to it! It's just our nature!

  15. The Irish are renowned for being so friendly and welcoming. They do get on with everyone, more or less, although I'm sure some people will tell you of negative experiences. I don't really know why they're so nice, but it's always been like that. Some of them will do anything for you, whether you're a stranger or a friend.
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