
Irregular Menstrual Cycle?

by  |  earlier

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I am 17 years old and I have an irregular menstrual cycyle. It's like I have a period every few months. The last time I had one was in June. I am so worried about it. I know I am not pregnant because I am still a virgin. What could be wrong? I am really worried about this.




  1. I am 24 and still having this problem.  You may want to go see your obgyn.  they can start you on birth control to regulate your hormones or they may tellyou to eat differently and exercise regularly.  Being overweight can cause you miss periods.  stress and other things to go to the doctor.  

  2. that use to happen to me.. there was nothing wrong (nopt to say thats your case) but i did start birth control to make me more regular it worked. so i would suggest you see your obgyn (if you have one and if not i would prob look into getting one)

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