
Irritated lip piercing?

by Guest31965  |  earlier

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its been almost two week since i got my lip done, its a flat back, and behind the flat back is all red, and burns, i dont think its a infection because im sure that would hurt bad, and the area around the ball is kind of red to, could that be just irritated? its a little swollen, and i do play with it alot, im going to the guy who did it tomorrow to see if he can change it to my horse shoe, the back to the flat back is at this weird angle that is digging in to my skin, which doesnt hurt, just annoying. I rinse my mouth out with biotene mouth wash, some times warm saltwater everyday.




  1. it might be infected but im not sure just be sure you stop playing with it

  2. ,...umm...

  3. get some good k****r medicine from the doctor dentist or orthodontist

    or you can get some stuff called ice that will dissinfect

  4. You've got to stop playing with it.

    It can really s***w up a piercing.

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