
Is $1,000............?

by  |  earlier

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too expensive for our dentist to charge us to replace the filling for 2 cavities? He charged us $1000 only for 2 cavities and it sounds ridiciulously expensive.




  1. Did you pay him in full? If so I would call his office and complain that you feel you were overcharged, if you haven't paid him in full, then pay him what you think it was worth and let him p**s in the wind for the rest.

  2. Depends on what they were replaced with and how much of the tooth was involved.If they were large fillings and covered most of the tooth, this may not be that outrageous.  

  3. Probably is too much but without more info difficult to tell. I found it's best to use a plan that has a schedule for procedures and in my case I know before they perform the work how much it will cost and as a consumer I make the choice BEFORE they proceed. There are various good plans, however I prefer discount plans because they are more economical, provide upfront discounts that compete with typical insurance, and are easier to use.
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