
Is 16GB a just a waste?

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I own a Mac Pro (2.8Ghz, 4GB). I use Photoshop, play multiplayer games, lots of internet browsing, and usually listen to music on iTunes and talk to my friends on MSN Messenger. Would 16GB be a good investment or is it just a waste of money. Thanks :) :)




  1. Well I think you are asking about RAM. The limitation of a 32 bit operating system is that it can't use more than 4GB of RAM. I am a PC user so I don't know how the Mac OS works, but I am pretty sure it is 32 bit (32 is standard. 64 Bit is not even close to mainstream.) Most versions of Windows are 32 bit as well.

    If it is 32 bit, you could put 1000GB in, and the operating system will still only use 4GB just because that is how the coding works.

    In short, I think an upgrade to 16GB for you would be worthless. Likely it would not be recognized at all, and with exception to maybe Photoshoppe, none of those things will even fill up the 4GB you have.

    For this generation of software, you are probably maxed out and just need to use it the best you can.

    Hope thats what you were looking for. Sorry I couldnt give more detail. That is just how the architecture of the common operating systems cant use more than the 4GB max.

    In the event you are talking about hard disc storage then you definitely need more than 4GB, but...I don't think you can even buy a hard drive that small (it would barely hold your operating system not to mention that photoshoppe is pretty huge and music takes up a lot of space) so most likely you aren't talking about your hard drive.

  2. If you do a LOT of photoshopping, I wouldnt go above 8 gig, no reason to.  It would make photoshop a whole lot faster . . . .nothing else would really use that much ram.  Heck, the laptop I'm on now has 768 and it still has half free.  :)  Now if you where using 3D Studio Max, then I'd say go for the 16 gig  :)  16 is the max that model will go.  OSX is based of beOS, and is 64bit, always has been, which is why macs where better with multimedia.  Its also why the OS can address 16 gigs of ram.

  3. Waste of money these days. I would suggest 160GB or more!

  4. Right now its probably a waste, id go for 8gig or so and it should run with no problems.  In the future 16gig might be useful but by that time your Mac Pro will be outdated.

  5. If you can fill up I6GB without too many extra or too few songs then I would go for it.

  6. waste in future, i'll got a 32gig.

  7. a minium for me is 160gb but I would probley get 500gb

  8. it would be good.

    well maybe not thattttt much.

    try like a lil less.

    but if it doen-t come with less

    than yeahh, just get it

    i have photoshop too and i'm always saving all my c**p.

    and if you do the same you may need the 16gb.

    idkk, or just get another 4.

  9. 16GB or RAM right? well, i would say that it is too much then! i do a lot of multi tasking and my 4GB or RAM serves me well..

    but, if u are talking about hard disk drive, it is not worth at all. get a bigger drive instead.

  10. the  mac pro can handle  32  gig  and so can max os  x  since its a 64  bit operating system  

    but honestly  ?  its a bit overkil for now  wait til the prices drop   your good  with 4  gig at the moment  

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