
Is 74°F cold For You?

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Is It Cold For You.




  1. Yes for me it usually is. If I am outside in the sun it's ok though. The lowest I keep my thermostat inside is 79 degrees.

  2. No, that is bordering on too hot for me personally.  However if you are asking about where an A/C unit should be set, I don't have an anwer for that.  We live in the desert, but we only use ceiling fans in our extremely well insulated home.

    When the temperature outside starts to hit 75 F outside, it's time for me to knock of the physical work outside, and go do something inside.

    I bairly sweat, and therefor overheat easily.  My husband can sweat bucketloads, and as long as he's kept hydrated can work for hours in very hot temperatures.

    I like it best when it's 62-65 F outside, with a light wind.


    Permaculture homesteading/farming over 20 years

  3. 74 is cool, 80 without humidity is just about right.  

  4. THAT, my friend, is _blazing_ hot.  

    My fave temp is 68°F

  5. yes


  6. 74 is getting to the warm side between 68-72 is best. BUT folks that live in cooler areas tend to like it cooler while someone living in Arizona may be comfortable at 85.

  7. I think the measurement you quoted is now only used in UK as now majority use 20oC as standard of coldness for air-con.

    Cold is an individual feeling ........most people yell cold when below 20oC  but for myself 20 is norm cool but  17 is cold.  In Canada, I experienced -16 and is still not too bad with warm clothing.  In the equator, 35 is hot and 24 is cool.

  8. My internal thermostat's a little odd I admit. That's a great temp for me if it's outdoors, or indoors with heat in the winter or natural in the summer. But indoor summer with A/C it's a little chilly.  I don't know why but A/C makes me cold even if it's the same as a reasonable natural temperature.

  9. I dislike hot weather. I don't even put a jacket on until the temp dips below freezing. With that said. I keep my house at a balmy 70 degrees F  year-round.

  10. too hot

    74 may be good for outside but inside 68

  11. In the summer yes, I set my thermostat at 80 in the summer and 68 in the winter.  

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