
Is Abortion WOrth it?

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Is Abortion WOrth it?




  1. i agree with hoser.

    depends what situation.

    and also how old you are.

  2. Never, unlesss rape is the issue

  3. if you willingly had s*x with some one then no. you should live with your decisions  

  4. Abortion is NOT worth it. Its killing a small child, a baby! its taking someones life before they lived. Just have the baby, and if you dont want to take care of it than put it up for adoption or something, where a family that can handle it will take care of it.

  5. Would killing someone for looking at you the wrong way be worth it? I think abortion is murder and if you did it you may regret it for the rest of your life.

  6. That depends on the situation.

  7. In an ideal world, we would not need abortion.

    This is not an ideal world.

  8. i personally, am for abortion. things happen and accidents exist.

    if you feel you need to have one then go ahead...

    you shouldnt really feel guilty "taking someones life before they lived it" because technically the baby would not still be alive when you do it because youre doing it so soon. and in addition, you wouldnt be having an abortion if you felt you could handle having a child. if you cant handle having a child than that could ruin thier life and yours.

    on the other hand it is very dangerous for your body... its a shock to your organism and there is a large chance you can become infertile..

  9. well i don't believe in abortion but i guess it depends on your personal situation , you will have to live with the decision your entire life and always wonder what if i did have it also there are many options like adoption

  10. No. Never is taking an innocent life worth matter what the circumstances.  

  11. I am a committed Christian, so you might expect me to sit you down and start lecturing you about abortion being a sin....HOWEVER, only God knows what the full story is in your case or that of whoever is thinking about aborting a foetus, and He is a God of mercy and compassion.   The baby might be diagnosed with a serious condition that means the parents could not cope if he/she was born, or the mother simply might be unable to cope mentally and/or physically with the demands of a new life coming along, or her partner might be pressurising her to get rid of "it".....

    However, quite a lot of research (not just Christian) has shown that women often go through feelings of guilt and/or grief sooner or later after losing a child in this way - and of course it can be physically harmful to the woman too, especially if not done by an expert.  Studies of the baby in the womb have also shown just how early on in pregnancy the baby starts to look and behave like a recognisable human being - I just read a story on Yahoo News about a baby aborted at 23 weeks that revived after hours in a cooler, and is expected to live.

    I hope you get some helpful and compassionate answers here, and that you or whoever it is facing this hard situation, will make the best choice in her own case.  As Jesus said, "Let him who is without sin cast the first stone!"

  12. No. Abortion is never worth it. Not for the child or for the mother. Physically, emotionally, or spiritually. Each year there are more than a million and a half pre-born children murdered every year, thats one every 20 seconds, 4000 a day. Yea, that many, if you dont believe me you can easily research the numbers.

    Its never our "choice" to take a life. We dont murder childdren w5 eeks or 5 minutes after birth nor should we be able to end the life 5 weeks or 5 months prior to birth. There are literally millions of people wanting to adopt, in the case of an "unwanted" pregnancy.

    I bet if you could ask the child he or she would say "no" also! I know I was born in '72, a year before legalized abortion, but I say "no", and am thankful I was not aborted.
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