
Is America currupt?

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Where is the land of dreams?




  1. Yes, America is corrupt, but so are most countries. At least in America the press is more or less free, unless the paper is owned by a crook or a bigot. There is more chance of corruption being revealed in the US than it is for instance, in Britain where the papers are more or less in the pocket of the ruling clique and have, if you will pardon the expression, a 'Gentleman's agreement' to keep quiet about people in the government who are bent. As for the 'Land of Dreams' it never really existed anywhere except in dreamland.


  3. No..."America" is NOT corrupt?  Our leaders may be and many others following their example may also be. But..NO..

  4. YES, THE UNITED STATES IS CORRUPT! But then again, so are a lot of countries...

    I think the "land of dreams" is just where it says. In your dreams.

  5. Every country is lined with corruption.

    As far as the land of dreams... people are still flocking here. I'll take that as qualification.

    So, take the attitude of the seed, and bloom where you are planted.

  6. we're so jacked up that our world will probably be ruined even with recycling and taking carpools.

    we're probably going to have to like create a super-food pill or a virus will have to wipe out 1/3 of our nation or something.


  7. clearly, if the people of its own country can't even spell the word "corrupt" correctly.

  8. yea, and where your from, they are illiterate. it's spelled "corrupt". don't use spell check, eh?

    really, people in general are corrupt. everywhere.

  9. No, but it is corrupt

  10. america is a dream...because you gotta be asleep to believe it. theh gov. is corrupt. they take our money and dont do sh*t.

  11. The word "corrupt" derived from the United States. Our Govt. are  the master's of corruption. There are a lot of "puppet's" that hang from the "master" (U.S.).

      Some is needed to keep us the way we are but every time the Govt. whether local or national makes a new law, a small part of our civil rights are taken. Soon, we will not be able to make a decision on our own because the answer is already factored in somewhere.

  12. Isn't everyone corrupt? and there is no land of dreams, except possible in your dreams, but like life will always end.

  13. Of course it is. That's why I'm moving :)
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