
Is America in permanent economic decline ?

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Is America in permanent economic decline ?




  1. No, probably not permanent.  

    Economic growth comes from the ingenuity, imagination, inventiveness, freedom, and hard work of the common people.  And people in USA have not yet lost any of that.

    The present problem in USA and perhaps in some other countries is that business leaders and politicians have led many people astray into unprofitable ventures and wasteful endeavors.  And in many cases business leaders have taken unfair advantage of their privileged positions and paid themselves a lot more money than they deserve to be paid.  

    But in a free country people are free to change their leaders and to start thinking for themselves more than before.  And sooner or later americans will find a way out of their debts and wasteful behavior.  And they will become prosperous once again.

    Only when people are not free to change their leaders and their own behavior.  Then they cannot change the way their economy is run.  And if it's run badly.  Then their economic decline may become permanent.

  2. I agree with Nick and president Kennedy.  Our best days are ahead of us still.

  3. Yes we are in a permanent decline unless we get some politicians and business leaders who put valuable hard working people first. The GOP over the past 28 or so years laid a foundation that began with Ronald Regan that it was OK to make huge profits while cutting health care and retirement benefits for hard working people and making people finance their own futures. We also seen union busting beginning to take shape which led to many people losing good paying jobs and their benefits.

    During the 1980's as Michael Douglas' character in "Wall Street" proclaimed, "greed is good" and with that we've seen CEO pay skyrocket into the heavens while jobs got shipped overseas for cheaper labor and cheaply made products and our own employees pay remain basically stagnant..

    Until we can recapture the spirit that America had after WW2 when many people begin to move into the middle class thanks to good paying jobs and labor unions, we'll continue to decline.

    Remember Wal-Mart and other merchants who rely heavily on average working people will suffer as people continue to lose jobs and money gets tight and shopping starts to decline.

    The so called little people are the ones who make America's economy move and without them, millionaires will start to see their money decline !

  4. I have to pretty much agree with Nick.

    But I might also point out that America has seen GDP increases in both of the last two quarters, despite all the talk of recession, America is not in decline, it is just not growing at a really nice pace.

  5. Yes

  6. No one understands the REAL issues. I am from a small town in nowhere Indiana, and I can tell you from my perspective why this country cannot move forward.

    1. There are too many cars and trucks. The air literally stinks even in the countryside which has always been a favorite escape of mine from the h**l of modern society.

    2. The rain patterns are late .They are coming later every year. Some years like 2007 we stand in serious drought. What does this mean? No sustained rain means NO clean air. No clean air means sickness. Sickness means people don't want to work.

    3.This country cannot move forward in it's current form. I can promise you that. There are too many people who never understood how to be healthy and live in balance with the environment to achieve health. They are killing the rest of us.

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