
Is Anti-Social behaviour another Oxymoron? ?

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Because the Government doesn't want people to be sociable and get on otherwise why do they encourage the sale of excessive amounts of instant ******** liquid (add alcohol) ???

It seems they just want to promote and recruit more police armed with weapons to compensate.

Do any of these issues concern you?

And Why do you want this to happen?




  1. That's a cute little twist on....wait? What are you talking about?

  2. It's called the "oxymoronic paradox". This is the usual case of governments treating the disease rather than the cause of the disease. Why not tackle the reasons why people drink themselves stupid and act like anuses?  Because the root of the problem is lack of opportunity, poor education and poverty, caused by...poor government!  I hearby place an ASBO on the heads of Gordon Brown and that smug t**t Blair.

  3. Government is schizophrenic and antisocial :)

  4. The government? Moley is there a tax on al cool in Britian?

    There is a large government tax here in Canada on Al Cool and F. Ags. They stop endorsement, they lose Gaz Zillions.

    I decided years ago to stop buying a product that has the ability to cause so  much pain, but then again I don't take a cut in profits.

  5. no ...its one of those labeling devices so they can put you on the watch list

  6. No, there has to be some way for the masses to dull the meaningless drudgery of their lives.

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