
Is Applause Model & Talent Showcase real?

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I went to this free model and talent audition recently. I can't sing so I tried out for the modeling part. They said, they would only call people if they want to take you to the Regionals in Cincinnati. I got a call!

The Regional's in Cincinnati will cost me over $800 dollers! That I have to pay them!!! And I have to pay it within 10 days.

Now they said at the audition that it would cost thousands to go to New York or LA and try and go to casting directors myself. let along that fact I would have to find a place to live while I was out there. They said they are bringing castng directors for movies and TV to Cincinnati! Which is just a few hours away.

I just want to know if you think this is real or not? HELP!!!




  1. Here is what I think.

    Is Applause Model & Talent a real company? I assume so. I looked them up at the Better Business Buro and everything seems fine. No complants.

    Here are a couple of more things to think about. Can you do everything your self? Well, yes. Of course you can. You can find web sites that will help promote YOU. Their are dozzens of modeling companies in this country. Also lots of talent agencies too. Will they represent you? Maybe. Are they far away in a huge city? Most likely. Will you get anywhere just staying in the small towns of Ohio. Most likely not.  

    Now the big question....can Applause Model & Talent help you? Who knows for sure. But...if they are telling the truth and they only called a few people from the Lima Ohio audition then that must mean that they believe in you. (or in this case, me too) In Cincinnati they are going to show you off to managers, talent agencies and modeling agents. Simpley put, if you don't look and do good for them then they don't look good. And the agents / managers will likely think, "Well, I'm not waisting my time with this company any more".

    I have to tell you. I'm 39 years old and a radio DJ that has been in the radio business for almost 20 years. I also have a 2 year old daughter. I am scaired to death about spending this kind of money on a gamble. A gamble KNOWING all too well that it's possable NOBODY will like me in Cincinnati and this could be be a total waist of money.

    Here is the other side of the coin...I've been writing screenplays for almost 10 years now. I've entered a few screenplay contest but have gotten nowhere. Evertime I enter a screenplay contest it conest me about $50. Could this Regional in Cincinnati help me in the acting / movie business? Maybe...maybe not. But I think I stand a better chance of going to Cincinnati then I do just sitting in my house typing screenplays entering Internet on-line screenplay contest. In Cincinnati I'll actually meet people.  

    One more thing...I think I'm going to do this because if I don't, I'll always wonder "If if I did?" or "If I had the chance to do it over again...whould I?"

    I hope this helps.


  2. It is my opinion that you should call the Applause office and ask to speak to a reference.  They have plenty of success stories and their previous event was in Columbus, Ohio just in May!  They had agents from Los Angeles, New York City, Miami, etc.  The bottom have to meet agents to get discovered.  How you do it - is completely up to you.  The road you travel will never be free, however, you have to choose what is best for you.

    Do not get so hung up on how many are invited to attend - it is a Showcase; the fact is - it is a competitive industry and you will always be surrounded by others.  

    Consider the opportunity as an open door - you either go through it meet people in the industry or you close the door and wait for something else to come along.

    I think it is great to get opinions from everyone, however, not everyone will be fair in their response.  One can only respond from personal experience and how do you trust their experience to be the same as yours.

    Go to the source....Call the office, ask for references and speak to people that have a first hand knowledge of this event.  I can NOT guarantee anything in life, but I can pretty much tell you that you will speak to quite a few people that will tell you that this experience is more than worth the time and expense.  It is a fair opportunity - and we haven't even talked about the rehearsals, coaching, headshots - everything that is included in the experience.

    The fact remains - bringing Agents, Castings, Managers to Ohio -beats trucking around the country on your own with no clue of where to go or who to meet.  Safe environment - can be worth it all.

    Good luck to all of you!

    Trying to manage one talented dream at a time!

  3. REAL is totally relative, subjective and opinion driven. For anyone to CHARGE a hopeful, should be a suspicion, a red flag. Obviously one VERY REAL thing about any such as those, is that they are in the business to generate $$$

  4. got a call back too? Either we're ALL THAT GOOD...or somebody wants our money???

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