
Is BBUK Mo deluded....?

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....stating to Rex that he intends(when he gets out) to have a different piece of p*ssy every night...I personally wouldn't touch him even if I had one of those suits they wear in Sellafield on...




  1. In what institution will he be visiting for that?

  2. *shudders* Eww,Mo is creepy! Who would want to 'go with' a greedy bogey eater? NO THANK-YOU!

  3. Shannen, there will always be some dumb p*ssy a willing to go with him if it means she will get her pic in the Star or the Sport!

    So I guess he will hit lucky for the first week or so!

  4. If that's the case I reckon all cat owners should lock up their pets ............. he's got no chance of going to any club and using his BB status to get a woman. Who in their right mind would go anywhere near him, especially after the bogey eating episode aaaaaarrrrrggggghhhhh !!!!!!

  5. I think most "p*ssy" wouldn't go near him with a barge pole so I don't know why he suddenly thinks he's some kind of s*x icon. He'll probably be even worse off after going in the house than before because loads of women can see how disgusting he is.

  6. Mo is living in cloud cuckoo land if he thinks any girl would be interested in him when he leaves the BB house!....especially after the stunt he pulled last night. No one in their right mind would want to kiss him let alone sleep with him, knowing that he is the guy from BB who ate someone elses bogey!

  7. Ugh!! what does he think he is??!!! Think that bogey has knocked him a bit stupid!!!!

  8. Ha it totally agree. I don't think anyone will go near him know he's ate that bogey. All for a can of cider. Ewww. Minging. No on ewould have gone near him anyway greedy ******

  9. Mo will get a woman there are some who will like that freaky stuff,remember its a big wide world,some people would not stay with Nicole due to her hygiene and not washing but Rex still loves her and stays with her.

  10. Eurgh completly deluded he is awful. Rude and greedy. Awful

  11. mo    the    disgusting   greedy   imbecile .  how    much    lower    can  he     get   .  it   proves    he    would   eat    anything  .  couldn't believe    what     he    done    last   night  .    i    was    vomiting    even    before    he     put   it    in     his    mouth  .  

      the    only    one   who    was   excited    was   mad    lisa  .    maybe    she    eats    her   own   .     like     bogey    mo  .    

    the    only     p***y   he    will    get   .   is   the    stray   moggies   on    the    streets .  

  12. lmao.

    a different piece of p***y?

    He would proberly get one girl.

    Then to get all these 'peices' he would have to chop it up.


  13. ah ha ha is that what he has said pmsl - well theres always jodie marsh!!!

    who is going to touch him after seeing him in the house, especially after last night...

    i think he is gonna try and move in up rex's ***, i can imagine rex telling him to f off and that he wasn't a friend and wouldn't assosciate himself with people like him in the real world

  14. In his wildest dreams only dear...

  15. After what he has done to get a can of cider I don't think any self respecting woman would touch him with a barge pole Shannen!!!

  16. I lost ALL respect for Mo last night. He's deluded alright.

  17. definitely deluded poor thing - especially now he is under the impression that Sara likes him! Errr no!

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