
Is Becoming A Vegaterian Hard?

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i wanna be a vegaterian

but i'v been eating meat a long time well not long time idk i'm 16

and i hate the fact of eating animals i saw a video on youtube of how they treated animals(which was a few months ago)

it was grose and sad!IDK this is confusing!

is it hard?and what do you eat?

(i know this is kinda of a stupid question and hard question)

Please NO rude or mean comments!


I Didn't Know on what the question should be!!!!




  1. No, it was very easy for me.  I became veg just over half a year ago, and I'm not missing meat at all.  I grew up on a farm, and I was always kinda freaked out about eating meat that didn't come from our own cows or chickens because of the diseases or what goes on at the slaughterhouse (read The Jungle by Upton Sinclair if you need any ideas), but it's also sad eating animals that you knew.  Being a farm kid, I've had to butcher chickens.  It's a terrible job.  Shipping calves and old cows to market is sad too.  I always hope that they go to a dairy farmer who's just starting up or something, but probably not...

    I also used to be a hunter, and I felt very bad about taking something's life just to eat it.  To me, it wasn't really necessary.  I don't really think hunting is wrong since it was once important to me and it is still very important to a lot of people I know, but I'd just never do it again myself.

    I don't even miss meat.  I've never even had meat substitutes.  I never ate meat much anyways; so, maybe it's easier that way.  You could try cutting meat out gradually if you want.  I really don't care what other people eat; if they want to eat meat, that's alright with me.  I don't argue with anyone about it because it's totally a personal decision.  Sometimes I get the "what are you a vegetarian for?" stuff, which gets old pretty fast.  I'd hate to do the same thing to other people with "what are you eating meat for?"  So, I don't.

    I guess I just eat whatever doesn't have meat. :)  Veggies and fruit mostly.  Sometimes I put veggies on pitas or tortillas or mix them in with pasta, but I prefer them alone raw or in a good stir fry.  Make use of spices if you need to.  Oh, and hummus is super on pitas with veggies too.  I make smoothies with fruit or just eat them plain.  You can even adjust a lot of recipes that have meat in by taking the meat out.  They don't even taste very different to me without the meat.  And you can still eat a lot of your favorite stuff at restaurants.  I ordered a turkey pita wrap thing without the turkey just after I had gone veg, and the waiter told me that he hung that order up on the wall in the kitchen where they hang up unusual or dumb orders. :)  But I don't mind.  At least my order is famous!  Good luck!

  2. No, but apparently spelling it properly is.

    Look, Google "vegetarian starter guide," find an organization whose website you like, and then ask them to send you one.  It will give you all the info you need to know.  Many pro-veg websites will also have information on their sites.

    Check out and for more information.

    What to vegetarians eat?  FOOD.  There's a lot more that you can eat than you can't.

  3. To the contrary, your question is not stupid. I saw a video of Chinese people rounding up dead chickens and then processing them, making them look edible. It made me so sick that it's gonna be awhile before I eat chicken and I don't live anywhere near China. You have to do what is right for yourself. I am finding, the older I get, the less meat I consume, don't like the look of it raw and don't like the smell of it cooking. There are plenty of nutritious alternatives. Just be careful to consume legumes and other items which contain essential vitamins and minerals and you will be fine.

  4. It's easy! i eat whatever i want! they make fake meat EVERYTHING1

  5. you probably watched a peta video about the animals being mistreated. well, i've been a vegetarian for a while now. to be honest, i've never really liked meat that much so for me it was kind of easy to make the switch.

    don't worry though, there are lots of alternatives to meat. veggie burgers are pretty common these days. they are textured similar to meat but the key is when you eat the burgers you don't want to compare it to meat. why? b/c it's not meat so it will be different. tofu & bean curd may sound gross but it's really good when prepared in a tasty meal. ground "beef", steaks, etc are also available.

    my suggestion is that you google "vegetarian restaurants your zip code here" and you'll find some avail places close to you. you might even get to see ratings of the places so you know which ones are really good. that way you can get some ideas of what to prepare at home. we have an asian restaurant in orlando that offers ribs, duck, chicken, beef, sweet & sour chicken, curried chicken - but they're all vegetarian and they taste amazing. cheesecake factory used to carry a really good veggie burger but they stopped carrying it at my location. if you have a johnny rockets close by they have a good veggie burger. mcdonald's does too but i try to avoid fast food places regardless. medeterranean and indian restaurants also offer awesome veggie food! just experiment to see what you like. ask your friends if they know any veggie people - you'll need to know how to eat (grains, beans, veggies) in order to get proper nutrition. don't let people tell you that you can't get protein from plants. you can get protein from beans, nuts, broccoli, and more. best protein source is chick peas (garbanzos), then you would combine it with (grains) brown rice to make a complete protein. various sauces, stews or cookbooks come in handy.

    also, there are different types of vegetarians. some still eat fish, dairy, etc. if you are vegan you abstain from all sources of animal products, including clothing and accessories.

    overall, it shouldn't only be about the animals... but your health as well!

    keep searching! do more research! good luck!

  6. It can be. Enthusiasm and motivation vary from person to person. All you can do is try.

    Have a great day!

  7. Becoming a vegetarian isn't too hard; it's becoming a vegan that's really hard (I tried once and failed miserably - I really respect people who do manage to stay vegan though!!). It can be a bit tough at first, but you soon get used to it. Try to become a vegetarian one step at a time, like gradually taking things away from your diet; start with red meat, then other meat, and then fish. That's what I did; I was only eight when I decided I wanted to be a vegetarian but at the time I still intended to eat fish (I think my parents were keen on the idea of me eating fish too, mostly because I was such a picky eater!) but when I was eleven I decided to become a full vegetarian. I'm not suggesting you take three years!! Just gradually do it, and you'll find it's surprisingly easy. At first I found it hard to resist meat and fish, but now it doesn't even tempt me. I don't even have to think about where it came from; I've just got so used to not eating it, and I love being a vegetarian! Plus, you can get loads of meat alternatives (quorn, etc) that are actually really nice (in my opinion); I actually prefer them to most meat, but I may just be strange!

    Good luck, and well done!

  8. I became vegetarian when I was 21, I have not gone back.  My healht is good, I look younger and fitter than most of my meat eating friends.

    You need to explain it to yourself, your family who will ask you questions and your friends who will ask questions and might think your weird, a crank, going through a phase and you will gro out of it or just doing it to be cool, because of a date, or a dare or to be different, nI have had all these reactions.

    My kids are now 26 and 24 and have always been veggie, they choose not to eat meat and i am a health 53 so hope that helps answer your question.

  9. No, not really. It is hard for the first few weeks then you get used to it.

  10. You've got to really have the will power. I tried once but it was soo hard because I like meat too much. But I've seen the videos and I know its such a hard thing.

  11. yes it is i tried to become one but steak over powered me though.

  12. There is no real danger to accept vegetarianism, but difficult to become a vegetarian. Look into these 2 scenarios...

    It is a prestigious to be a vegetarian. If you're the only vegetarian and rest of them are meaters in your society, it would be very challenging for you to sustain vegetarianism for long.

    If you are the only meater in your society and the rest of them are vegetarians, there is a serious problem in you..."taboo"!

  13. its only hard if yu make it if you really wanted to give up eatitng meat after that video it would of compleately turned you away..   You can eat eggs  and tofu and  you can buy aftifical chicken and burgers that taste pretty well.     there is also a variety of vegetarians  i learned about in nutrition    some eat like fish and dairy so  research  it   then look up some recipies  for yourself  

  14. It is often hard to become a vegan.  You have to watch what you are eating, and you must read the ingredients so you are not getting any animal products.  You would also need to take vitamin pills to make up for any missing nutrients from a vegan diet.  After a while, your vegan lifestyle will be easier for you.  As for me, if I became a vegan myself, I would be constantly hungry, I would have less energy and I would lose interest in eating anything, but that's just me.

  15. It was pretty easy for me.  Some people have a harder time than others.  It all depends on what food is available in your house and whether or not your mom is willing to cook vegetarian dishes for you.  

    I suggest you give it a shot.

  16. u eat vegetables... everything but meat like tomatoes and apples..

  17. It's not hard if you really believe in it and if you are an open minded eater.

    You really have to eat a lot of varied vegetables, whole grains, legumes, nuts etc...

    You have to make a commitment to be conscious of your diet and insure that you are getting adequate protein :-D

    Most people that are not vegetarians eat excessive amounts of protein anyway.

    Keep your food varied - it's more exciting anyway!

    I have been veg for quite some time now - though I still consume a minimal amount of dairy and eggs.

    I enjoy it very much and don't feel I'm missing out.

    The only thing that is hard is watching for sneaky meat ingredients in certain foods, like Skittles and Starburst for example = gelatin (made from horse hooves)... It's a matter of reading the label and trying to avoid processed meals.

    Good luck and YAY! Welcome to the VEG SIDE!

  18. I was for a year and a half.

    but developed health problems.

    I wouldn't advise becoming one.

    and the animals will suffer either way, honestly.

    just don't eat red meat.

    Stick to chicken and fish.

    you'll be alright.

    but becoming a vegetarian isn't hard.

    it just took commitment.

  19. Go for it! You should definitely give it a try. I became a vegetarian when I was 7 (because I felt bad for the animals, not because anyone made me). It was hard at first to stop eating foods I liked like canned chicken soup or bacon. But after a while you forget what meat tastes like and now meat is just really gross to me. I have tried eating chicken and it's just not appealing at all. If you become a vegetarian rather than a vegan (i.e. continue to eat dairy and eggs) there isn't that much you really need to cut out of your diet. Just don't eat meat! Everything you want to eat you can, just omit the meat or use a meat substitute. It's not like you have to switch to eating only quinoa, raw veggies, and rice milk if you become a vegetarian. You can still have pasta, bagels, stir-fries, casseroles, macaroni, etc. I've been a vegetarian for 9 years now and I've never had problems with it... Now I'm trying to go vegan, which is a little bit more of a sacrifice but so far I'm doing OK.

    Today I've had so far:

    Multi-grain cheerios with soymilk

    A banana

    Brown rice and vegetable stir-fry

    This site is really helpful:

    And as to the person who said to start with redmeat, this might be of interest:

    "One suggestion: If you plan to make the transition to a vegetarian diet gradually, the most important foods to cut out of your diet first are bird flesh and eggs. While many people think that “red meat” and dairy products should be the first to go, this isn’t the case. By cutting bird flesh from your diet, you’ll save many more animals. Because chickens are so small, the average meat-eater is responsible for the deaths of many more chickens than cows. Plus, chickens and turkeys exploited by the meat and egg industries are the most abused animals commonly used for food. "  -PETA

  20. I can be hard at first, but for some it isn't. Starting now will probably save you a lot of health issues later on. There are a lot of people who like to tease you about it, but don't let that stop you. There are a lot of great websites that can answer a lot of questions like or Try those two websites. There is also a great book that I read not to long ago and refer to called 'The Complete Idiot's Guide To Vegan Living' -Beverly Lynn Bennett and Ray Sammartano.

    For me it wasn't really all that hard due to my food allergies and losing the taste for meats after a period of time and I also live with one so that made it easier as well.

    MorningStar weenies are pretty good. Most of the Boca meatless meat products are awesome. My favorite are the spicy chik'n patties. Oh yum. There are lots of meat substitutes out there! Oh the best sloppy joes I have ever tasted used the Boca meatless ground burger. OMG they were awesome!

    Good luck!

  21. Becoming a vegetarian isn't as hard as it may sound.

    I would suggest u start with maybe read meat and chicken at first, then proceed to exclude fish and eggs and maybe milk from ur diet (depending on how far u want to take it) after a while... let the process take a few weeks/months...

    You can also start by only making one vegetarian meal/day for the first weeks or so, until you've learnt what to eat and how to get all the substances u need, such as proteins, iron and B-vitamins, and what is makes a well-composed vegetarian meal...

    What u should remember is to eat a lot of nuts, seeds, beans and peas, along with vegetables, fruit and grains.

    I would also recommend that u eat some kind of tablets with specially iron and B-vitamins, specially while ur still learning about vegetarian foods...

    I am a vegan, and I like to make for example risottos or wok loads of different vegetables and beans etc. is one page with a lot of information on a vegetarian diet and also on animal rights issues associated with meat-eating.

    A vegetarian diet is really good both for your health, aniamls and the environment, and I hope that learning more about vegetarism will help you stay motivated and I wish u the best of luck with this!

  22. it's like a woman without chocolate :)

  23. im 16 iv been a veggitarian since i was 14. it get's easier. just buy lots of meat supplements. the veggitaian corn dogs are 100 times better then the ones with acctually meat in them, so try it out. and you start to feel great cuase your not eating animals haha. im happy that someone else wants to be a vegatarian that always makes me smile! haha. oh and make sure you eat healthy becuase you have a better cahnce at eating unhealthy foods and getting fat. so watch out haha. if you have anymore questions e-mail me!

  24. It's not hard...for me, quitting swearing was harder!

    Anyway, there are tons of online resources to find great recipes, etc!

    There are great frozen/ready made meals in the organic/health food sections of most (good) grocery stores, for quick meals!

    I would check out a vegetarian cookbook, there are loads, of course. The one I got when I started out (my mom actually found it) has tons of great recipes and pictures. There are tons of recipes you can make with your family that everyone wil love!!

    Boca Burgers are the best veggie burgers-there are different flavors, also soy boy "not dogs" are a great hot dog substitute!

    Pastas, stirfry, eggplant parmesean was one of my favs (i'm a vegan now..and i haven't tried an vegan eggplant parm yet...)

    There are a few suggestions, but I would get a recipe book..I have Betty Crocker'sVegetarian Cooking, it's a few years old, there is probably a current ed.'s a lot of simple, easy recipes you will love!

    Have fun! And Go Veg!!

    Remember, vegetarians and vegans can have a balanced diet, thats healthier than the norm!!! I'm now a vegan, and feel better than ever!! Good luck!

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