
Is Brett Favre selfish?

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I don't have anything against Brett or the Packers but enough is enough. He has pulled the same c**p for the past few years. This year he added a different touch with the tears.

Is this fair to Aaron Rodgers, put yourself in his position. That organization was willing to pay him millions to stay home........can Brett take a hint.




  1. No he is not selfish.  He refused 25 million over the next 10 year to stay retired.  You can't buy love.  Brett Favre loves the game of football.

  2. Everybody is selfish.  

  3. no just because he wants to play again. but i do feel bad for aaron rodgers but hes handling it good and hes being a good sport about it. how can ted thomson say no to brett favre playing when hes led them last year to a good season. oh yea cause hes an a*****e and doesn't wanna pay it. ted thomson is the one thats making it all confusing!

  4. Yes he is and the Packers are lucky that they drafted Bruam because you can beat for sure Rodgers won't be coming back. Favre could single handily put Green bay back 5 years. If he is so loyal and such a nice guy why would he insist on wanting to play only for the Vikings?? A division rival!!

  5. Brett told the world he was done for good, now he wants to come back, which makes it a delicate situation in green bay.

    I sure wouldn't want to be Aaron Rodgers, having Brett  looking over my shoulders.

  6. No stick it to the stupid cheesehead organization.  

  7. Yeah he should of known if he wanted to retire.

  8. No. Brett Favre is not selfish. He wants to play football, plain and simple. The Packers are really the selfish ones. They obviously don't want him, but now they want to control his future.  

  9. How is he selfish.  Selfish would be to take the 25 million dollars from the organization to stay retired.  Brett turned it down because he loves the game and wants to play the game.  Nothing wrong with a legend wanting to play the game for the love of the game and not the paycheck.  We need more athletes like Favre who aren't money hungry guys just playing for a paycheend-zoneI wouldn't want to put myself in Rodgers position.  After all, during the Packer scrimmage, Rodgers was booed several times.  He completed 7 out of 20 passes with an interception in the end zone.  If he plays like this, at less than 100 percent from the defense, and against the 2nd team defense, how will he play in an actual game.

    We want to live in the now and get to a championship.  Not wait 10 years to build a mediocre team through the draft.  Rodgers isn't the answer, Favre gives the Pack the best chance to win week in and out which he has proven since 1992.

    Rodgers, sorry to say, we hardly knew ya!!!  See ya!!!

  10. if i was aaron rodgers i would be pissed off and demanding a trade farve just ****** him over by coming back favre should go to vikings to win a superbowl green bay is trailer trash  

  11. Favre just wants to play football since he loves it, and as for Aaron Rodgers they should just trade him, Green Bay has already drafted an Quarterback after him, meaning there not sure if Aaron is the team future QB.  if he was then they would not've drafted another one


  13. EXACTLY, i dont give a **** about all this espn specials and insiders, i just dont care about brett favre

  14. Selfish?  Probably.  But, he loves the game, loves the fans and is very emotional about this decision.  Obviously, he's conflicted about this choice.  I don't think it's a character flaw - just a situation with which many of us are confronted when the retirement decision looms.  I think it's an occupational hazard of having a career you love.  It's tough on everyone - let alone his teammates!

  15. chimichanga

  16. Selfish??  Are you kidding - he shares the ball with the other team more than any QB in history...

  17. did anyone complain when MJ decided to come back...he took some guys spot on the roster.  Brett Favre is much better than Aaron Rodgers, this season, next season, every season.  To me it seems that he was somewhat forced to retire by the organization because they wanted to see what Rodgers could do, before his contract is up.  I mean they used a first round pick on him and if Favre played this year Rodger would most likely not resign with them because they never game him a shot, so they would basically have thrown away that pick.  They should release Brett and let him play for Minnesota if they are truly done with him.  OR let him compete for the job...they were 13-3 last season.  

  18. Good point,the alligator tears did make it more dramatic,it's not his competive spirit that brings him back,it's his narcisstic lust to be in the spotlight,once this drama is over,he won't be the darling that everyone made him out to be

  19. he shouldn't have retired in the first place and the Packers would've gladly given him the starting job!!! Packers are only pissed at him cuz he said he was retiring so they moved on! now if they put him back at starter then they'd have to move back b4 they can start moving forwards again! in other words expect an 8-8ish season no matter who the starter is!!!

  20. Absolutely. At the end of this season, after all the interminable fawning over him by the sportswriters, we will then get to listen to the same old BS again. It's good for Rodgers, in a sense, it may be another year before we see how worthless he is as an NFL QB.

  21. Selfish? he just passed down 20 mil to come back and play, thats someone who loves to play the game of football

  22. Can't say anything more than you already said. But I totally agree enough is enough.

  23. Yes he's selfish, and classless, retire in stlye like Elway! What a greedy renob!

  24. If I was Aaron Rodger's I wouldn't be happy, because Brett is a better quarterback. What does 'fair' mean in the world of athletics anyway? Nobody is entitled to anything in sports and Rodgers should have to compete for his spot if he wants it. If Favre comes back and takes the starting job, I can't see how that is unfair.

    As long as Brett feels he can play, he should have that right. The Packers signed him to a contract and they should be prepared to honor it.

    Do I think Favre has handled this less than ideally? Of course, but I dont think anyone involved has done a good job with the situation.

  25. hes a drama queen

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