
Is Chris Simon really going to........?

by Guest62762  |  earlier

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RUSSIA?! WOO HOO! (I just found

I think we shouldn have a going away party even if this is old news.

......Before I have this party.....Is he actually leaving the NHL for good old Russia?




  1. Yup.....Was on the Islanders a few years. Poor guy has an alcohol problem. tough guy though.

  2. Now all we need is for them to take Sean Avery and Todd Bertuzzi too.

  3. Good, hopefully he doesn't come back for a while :)

  4. yes great news to all of hockey, maybee they could take avery also

  5. yea. hes gonna go beat up on all the defenseless Russians. hes quite a man.

  6. Yeah I think he's going to play on a line with Malkin:p

  7. Kate, i suggest you stop hiding in dark caves for weeks at a time with no outside communication lol.

    this is pretty old :P

    goalie John Grahme has gone too.

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