
Is Clorox Anywhere spray really safe?

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I am trying to be more green especially with cleaning products not only for the environment but for health as well. Even though it is diluted, is the Clorox spray really safe? Since green brands don't offer anti-bacterial/disinfecting products, and vinegar can do only so much what can you use for the germs in bathrooms, toilets (fecal), cold/flu viruses, kitchen and floors (i have ceramic tile & read on a floor care site, not to use vinegar)? I do understand we do need some germs, but i don't want it out of hand in my home. Also reading about that super virus kind of worries me.




  1. Well me and my children are growing up very healthily using just vinegar, lemon juice, the occasional bit of borax and soda crystals and thyme essential oil.

    I dont know what Clorax Anywhere is so cant comment on its safety.

    If you read the contents of your usual products and research each ingredient on the net you will realise that many have the same base ingredients and often that is something like vinegar if not vinegar and various other unnecessary chemicals so that the ingredients bind together and smell acceptable to the consumer etc.

  2. For green cleaning products, I'd recommend checking out Method products, they use only non-toxic ingredients:

    Additional Info: Clorox tests on animals!

  3. If you're really concerned about the cleaning products you use, you need to check out this website:

    You'll find it very informative.

  4. There are lots of green cleaning products that are better for you and the environment besides just vineger. Check out Seventh Generation, Ecover, Method, etc.

    I understand that you are worried about germs but you should also be concerned about the chemicals that are used in Clorox and their effect on your health and your family's health.


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