
Is Crosby or Ovechkin Better?

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I think Crosby but i wanna see your opinion.




  1. crosby he makes his teammates better. ovechkin shoots too much and doesnt make his teammates better.

  2. "And they're off at the races.... and the first one to cross, yes it's THE DEAD HORSE!"

  3. Hi

    I believe this question was worded correctly. As yours would requires facts yet ask for an opinion.;...

    Thank You

  4. Ovechkin.  He's proven that over the past few years.

  5. If its a fun poll  the put it in the poll's section

    if you did some research you would see this has been asked 127,422,328 times

    try this

  6. I would take ovechkin, his style is more physical and hes a better goal scorer.  Crosbys vision is amazing though.  I think his injury had him rusty in the late parts of the season

  7. It depends on how you judge what the word "better" means.

    is "better" the definition of:

    who scores more goals?

    who works well with all different types of players?

    who would be a good player even if they were traded to a  horrible team?

    there's no real way to judge who is better.

  8. They both have different styles of the game. I enjoy watching both of them play. I don't think one is better than the other.

  9. My opinion on that matter is as worthless as your question.

  10. Argh,- I - can't take the beating much longer.

  11. I think Ovechkin right not because he is doing a lot of the same things Crosby is doing without the help of super stars like Hossa (half a season) and Malkin.  However, I will say this....IF Crosby stays healthy I think he will be better then Ovechkin, if not this year then probably next one.....

  12. This question has been asked a million times, but I'll answer anyway.  I have to say AO.  Crosby has a slight edge in points per game, but thats about it.  Ovechkin has more career points, hes dominated Crosby in goal scored, and he has won more trophies.  He has also managed to do these things with less help around him and he plays a more physical game.

  13. Crovechkin!

  14. how many times a day do we see this question?

    they're both young and talented, and both will only continue to get better as they go on in their careers.  

    right now, i say sid.  he's done more with his short career thus far than AO has.

  15. This question has been asked many times before. Obviously I LOOOVE Sidney, but I'm not going to give an exact answer because I believe that the answer is a little unfair. Sid and Ovechkin are such different players; it's not right to put one in the same category as the other.

  16. Stop asking this, go back and read one of the other 10 million of this exact same question written to get your answer.

  17. Thats like asking if I prefer Grahame Crackers or Animal Crackers? Blah Blah Blah!

  18. Right now, Ovechkin, but I think that Crosby will be better in years to come...

  19. Who's Better Luongo, Kiprusoff, or Broduer???

  20. Send out the DEAD HORSE ALREADY!!

  21. It doesn't matter.  They won't be winning the cup anytime soon.

  22. At this point in his career Oveckin is clearly the more complete hockey player. He led the league in goal scoring with the most goals in a long time. He plays the physical game as well and doesnt complain nearly as much to the refs as crosby does.

        having said that, however we need to keep in mind that because of the lockout Ovechkin is older than crosby and therefore ahead of sid on the development curve. Being canadian, i hope crosby can surpass Ovechkin as being the best player in the NHL but right now I would much rather have alex ovechkin on my team than sid the kid.

  23. Crovechkin

  24. Yup. Thanks to Conman's Methane Elixer. The only laxative on the market today that combines our special blend of secret ingredients. Guaranteed to cure whatever ails you. Got hangnail, no problem. Got a hangover, we'll fix that too. Remember, that's Conman's Methane Elixer, it worked for Sidney Crosby and Alexander Ovechkin and it'll work for you too. Get it at any street corner while supplies last.

  25. Ovechkin.  He can pass, shoot, score, hit, energize the crowd, and has great defense.  Crosby is a terrific player, but Ovechkin is a better all-around player.

  26. I wish I had a dollar for everytime someone asked this question.

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