
Is d**k Cheney a reptilian alien?

by  |  earlier

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ive seen clipps on utube of it but im not sure




  1. The big question here is whether or not d**k Cheney is one, or if he's controlled by one.

    Cheney's had enough medical exams (including at least one surgery) to know that he's human.

    But the question of whether or not he's under one's control... well, nobody's been able to prove it, but how else could he have someone else apologize to him for being shot by him?

    NOTE: This answer is tongue-in-cheek, and should not be taken seriously. I'm half-joking about it.

  2. lol THat is a funny idea!!! it would also be good on lil bush! but i doubt that Cheney is an Annukai! Or mabye he is...

  3. You are insulting reptilian aliens everywhere.

  4. Calling him a reptilian alien is sugar coating what that SOB really is.

    He's the United States version of Bin Laden.

  5. Hey - I'm a Reptilian Alien and you are insulting my entire species!

  6. no. he's actually a corpse animated by evil spectres.

  7. the burden of proof compels them to come up with valid evidence before their claims are even considered likely, so far they just use arguments from conspiracy(the exact opposite of evidence) arguments from emotion(not evidence) arguments from elitism(not evidence) and so on.

  8. My psychic powers tell me that you are not a fan of the Bush Administration.

  9. how do you know that reptilian humanoids are aliens. Can you prove that non-human humanoids did not start their existence on earth .

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