
Is Eyeliner on the...?

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top and bottom of my eyes too much? (crayon)




  1. no just do the amy winehouse and don't forget the dead cat on her head

  2. For day time, probably.

    For night time.. no! the more the merrier.

  3. yes.

  4. depends how youre wearing it.

    probably not though.

  5. no

  6. No way! I where it all the way around and have flicky bits in each corner too!!

  7. no i dont think so as long as you put it on light not heavy maybe even put a lighter shade then you would at night.good luck hope that helps.

  8. Nope!

  9. It depends how it's applied.  If you do it thinly, or it's blended, or you are wearing heavy eye makeup which it is in keeping with, or the upper and lower colours are different and complement each other, I have no problem with it.  If it's caked on, and you look like a panda, it's not a good look.  If you're unsure, try putting it just on the upper lid and on the outside corners of the lower lids, smudging it a little so it fades out.  If you enjoy wearing your makeup bold however, I say go for it!  I enjoy wearing extreme eye makeup, but keep the rest of my face neutral.

  10. i personally think that it is too much i thin k that it makes pretty girls look emo and goth. un less that is how u are and  want to look taht way then no it is way to much dont do it. i think that just on the bottom with eye shadow on the top is good  

  11. if you want it on the top and bottom i would do it in a ligher colour. But if you did it in a dark colour i would have it on the bottom and some sort of eyeshadow :)

    hope i helped

  12. No, depends on how you apply it though, on the inside on the lid then that would be fine or a little on the outside but be careful to not use too much on the outside


  13. No i don't think so. I wear eyeline top and bottom of my eyes all of the time (even through the day). I love it, it is one of my fave makeup accessories. The only different thing i do, is use liquid on the top and pencil on the bottom.

  14. the bottom always make a mess on my lower lids and i end up with panda eyes ditto with mascara so its too much for me. if yours actually stays in one place maybe its ok... try on only the lower half towards the outside of your eye it makes them appear bigger.  

  15. Actually if you put your liquid eyeliner only above it looks the best and actually all Eyeliners eg.- liquid , crayon , etc are all bad for the eyes! You are mad to put them! ( I am not telling something bad but i am just telling you!! )  

  16. it all depends on what colour, if its a dark clour then yes you will look as though you have been in a fight go for more lights coloursd if you want to wear it on top and bottom

    unlesss your going clubing or something then more is better :)

  17. I think you should apply liquid eyeliner on the top lid, above lashes. And use only pencil on the inside bottom lids.  

  18. not if you don't make it real thick. if it looks thick when you put it on, get a makeup remover wipe or a wet q-tip and wipe some off... make it kind of thin so u dont look like a raccoon

  19. only if the eyeliner is really thick. maybe just thin lines for the daytime. but definatly top and bottom for partying

  20. Well, it depends on what color you are applying and how much you put on.  I put it on the top and bottom all the time, but I only put it on like 1/4 of my bottom.  I would say it is okay as long as it's not really dark or thick.
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