
Is Global Warming a Hoax?

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First, we were supposed to be plundged into an ice age.

Next, it was acid rain.

Next, it was y2k.

Now, it is Global Warming.

When will the libs stop their little scare tactics and realize some of us actually do research?

New information from the U.S. National Climatic Data Center indicates much of the world is suffering through record cold and snow this winter. Snow cover over North America and much of Asia is greater than at any time since 1966. The average January temperature was three-tenths of a degree Fahrenheit colder than the average for the 20th century. China is said to be experiencing its must brutal winter in 100 years.

And despite fears by some that the Arctic ice pack is melting — one senior forecaster with the Canadian Ice Service tells the National Post that ice is up to 20 centimeters thicker in many places than at this time last year. Experts from the National Research Council — and the Russian Academy of Natural sciences — both predict global cooling in the near future if sunspot activity does not increase soon.,2933,332890,00...




  1. Absolutely a myth.  I believe there are natural cycles in temperature and weather.

    Gore and many libs have made a lot of $$ off the uninformed.  Many unemployed scientists have been able to get grants ($$) off studies of this BS.

    Mark my word, it will be something different in a decade or so.

  2. All of your premises are false.

    The arctic ice pack is doing exactly what the IPCC scientists said it would do.  They measure the sea ice in the summer, the summer extent of the ice.

    It's winter in case you haven't noticed.

    This is an example of several skeptic myths that are based on discrepencies that don't even exitst.

    The same with the BS about Antartica.

    "A more recent study based on satellite measurements of gravity over the entire continent suggests that while the ice sheets in the interior of Antarctica are growing thicker, even more ice is being lost from the peripheries. The study concluded that there was a net loss of ice between 2002 and 2005, adding 0.4 millimetres per year to sea levels (see Gravity reveals shrinking Antarctic ice). Most of the ice was lost from the smaller West Antarctic ice sheet."

    "Contrary to what you might expect, the third IPPC report predicted that global warming would most likely lead to a thickening of the ice sheet over the next century, with increased snowfall compensating for any melting cause by warming."

    There is no conflict between what they said and what is happening.   Another imagined skeptic argument.  this includes all the nonsense about hurricanes and the severity of the weather or lack of it.  These are all made up conflicts, where there are none.

    "General climate models are not detailed enough to accurately predict the effects of warming on hurricane activity. Instead, modellers have tried to feeding in predictions from general models to detailed regional models of hurricanes. This has produced some widely varying results, but the consensus among experts is that global warming will not lead more hurricanes overall, but will increase the average intensity of storms."

    "A growing number of studies of hurricane records suggest this trend can already be seen. In 2005, for instance, Kerry Emanuel at MIT published a research suggesting that tropical cyclones in the West Pacific and Atlantic have become more powerful over the past 50 years. That same year, another study concluded that the frequency of the strongest tropical cyclones has almost doubled globally since the early 1970s."

    "There are problems with such studies. For starters, tropical cyclone activity in some regions seems to rise and fall in cycles lasting many decades. “This variability makes detecting any long-term trends in tropical cyclone activity difficult” concluded the 125 members of a World Meteorological Organisation international workshop on tropical cyclones and climate change, held in December 2006 (see pdf report)."

    "Researchers studying past activity are also only too aware of the shortcomings of the databases. For example, the techniques for measuring storm intensity have changed dramatically over the past 30 years. On the fundamental question of whether global warming is affecting tropical cyclones, the WMO group decided: “no firm conclusion can be made at this point".

    the global cooling predicted in 1972 was in reality just a few scientists and the lead scientist recanted in 1975, admitting that he under calculated the amount of CO2.

    Case closed,   another skeptic argument that actually has only one side, becuse there is no argument other than in the mind of skeptics.

    websites that debunks skeptics claims about global warming.

    chart showing CO2 over last 400,000 years.

  3. global warming is inevitable

    and its us humans that have caused it.

  4. Really?  1 forecaster in Canada says the ice is thicker now than it was in the Summer?  And 1 guy in Russia predicts global cooling?  Well that pretty much ends this discussion then, huh?  I guess we can tell the National Academy of Sciences (from virtually every country, including Russia, in the world) that they are wrong.  I guess the thousands of climate scientists who've been researching and publishing peer-reviewed journal articles on this for the past 30 years must have made a mistake.

    Clearly, if it's reported on Foxnews, that means it's been fact-checked by the greatest minds in the world.

    [My sarcasm doth overflow]

  5. Global Warming is still up for debate, however, there might be a simple solution to all of this.  The complexity of the weather system, which is based on so many factors are as of today, is still a puzzle to a lot of Climate scientist,  There are a lot of variables. Models done, made prediction which are contrary to the current situation,  case in point, is the cooling of the earth.  Please see the link I provided,

    Emission of gases, from erupting volcanoes such as Water vapor which is the most abundant followed by carbon dioxide, sulfur oxide, and other gases, such as,  hydrogen sulfide, hydrochloric acid, hydrogen, carbon monoxide, hydrofluoric acid and other trace gases and volatile metals (emission info source: also contradicts climatic models of global warming, based on their claim that CO2 emission is the primary reason of global warming.  As per studies, conducted the overall effect of volcanic gas emission is that the planet's temperature dropped by 0.05 degrees celcius for 3 years, the aftermath of Mt. Pinatubo's eruption in 1991.

    I still believed that Global Warming or Global Cooling, whichever, is still to be proven.  Until proven and stablished as a science facts.  Both would remain a myth.


  6. I suggest that if you want to get scientific information, you should study science.  Fox news is not a source of scientific information.  It has a political point of view that science is wrong if it conflicts the viewpoint of the editors on Fox.

    A good source of information on science is the journal Science, published by the American Association for the Advancement of Science.  In the latest edition, there is a peer-reviewed study of how much humans are changing the water resources in the western U.S.  It is astounding.

  7. liberal ??? those were major problems. remember all the problems with acid rain in Europe? or is anything scientific liberal?

  8. use fox news as a source and then talk about "liberal scare tactics"?  Wow, well how about talking to some scientists or reading books?  I'm in ap environmental science, so most things I know about global climate change is from a textbook, but I also attend lectures about climate change occasionally so I can hear from scientists.  I do not think global warming is a hoax.  I think that it is happening right now and I believe it is being caused by humans.  So do most scientists.  Most of the scientific community talk about global climate change as fact and there are only a few who still deny it.

    Also, just because some places are cooling down, does not mean that we are not causing a climate shift.  Global "warming" is sort of a mislabel, and it is starting to be referred to as global climate change, because that is more accurate.  The changes in climate will be hotter in some regions, but may cause cooling trends in others.

    And I'm just curious, why would "the libs" want to scare people?  What would they gain from using "scare tactics"?

  9. global warming is a myth thought up by demacrats like Al Gore!! Yea the same man who said he invented the internet..

  10. it is hard to say.

    Today i watch a program on discovery about early life & they talked about early weather patterns.

    Apparently some thousands of years ago 'global warming' happened.

    The earth went into the ice age heated up then went into a second ice period for a thousand years or so ,which wiped out the mega animals.

    If global warming is true then early humans hid their machines very well from out

    i used to believe the global warming therory but idk any more.

    perhaps the earth is going though another 'cycle' like before

  11. I don't know what to believe sometimes, but put it like this, one super-volcanic eruption can have more effects on the global climate than all the activities of human history put together.

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