
Is Hillary a member of........?

by  |  earlier

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d**e's on bikes?????

When she looses the race, will she leave Billie Boy and finally come out of the closet?

What will Billie Bob Boy do???




  1. Billie Bob Boy will pay a visit to the females in your family after.

  2. Personally, sounds to me like you are a conservative.. and for that matter no absolutely nothing about politics. Maybe you should go read the standings, and veiw your current leaders current monstrousities, and take a political science course or 2 please. It might actually break through your conservative skull...

  3. Im pretty sure she is a founding/charter member under her club name....Hillman,,there is a picture of her somewhere on youtube taking a whiz standing up at a kegger....she has her arm around her bunny

  4. maybe she is lets hope this country will not elect her

  5. hehehehehehehehe

    Good questions!

  6. You are a jerk!

  7. What sense of humor you do have.

    She will come out with universal healthcare, if that is what you mean.

  8. America has a two party system.  Every congressperson

    except one is a capitalist and all from Neo-Conservative to

    Flaky Liberal are but stinky toes in one boot.  The other boot

    that strides alongside supporting USA contains the one

    elected American Socialist.  You never hear about foot odor

    or the previous steps toward Socialism.  Go hop with Hillary

    and maybe spreading rot will convince voters to amputate.

    Socialism and a crutch will keep our country upright.

  9. Clintons, not a good thing

  10. LOL..hahahahahaha...this is just too frikin funny to answer. This question plus the big news coverage on her cleavage during a democratic debate, is probably a simple and malice ploy to attract both sexes I!

    She will flip a coin later to determine her sexual preference for the future when she is the man by a heads or know what I mean...hahahahaha!

  11. LMAO!  But to answer in order:

    1)  Not yet

    2)  Only if it will help her win reelection in NY

    3)  He won't change a bit.....

  12. Perhaps this is a Question better directed to your wife and your Mother?

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