
Is Hypnosis the devil's handiwork?

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How does it work?

I mean, it's just TOO easy to be real - in life there is always a struggle and without it there'd be no test or development of morality or spiritually etc. We'd all practically be like robots working for humans. it's like playing God.

I mean, wars could've come to an end if the leaders were hypnotized and told not the carry them out - the whole world would be a better place. but it seems as though there is more than what meets the eye...




  1. There is nothing of the "devil" about it.  It can be a means of accessing your unconscious mind. Some people are more open to it than others and a hypnotist cannot make you do anything against your on free will.  There's a long way between clucking like a chicken and ending wars.  

  2. hypnosis isn't what you read about in books, or what you see on tv. it puts in a serene state of mind. tiger woods is hypnotized before his games in order to focus more.

    keep in mind too, that not everyone has the ability to be hypnotized. it is a state of mind, and therefore, mind over matter. people cannot just hypnotize you if you are unwilling. in fact, in a sense, you are hypnotizing yourself by thinking a certain way and focusing your attention on specific things.

    unfortunately, the world would not be a better place based on hypnosis.  it is not a form of controlling another person, like a robot. the only person who can hypnotize you, is you.

  3. i belive is some hypnosis, but i wont say the devils handy work. I mean your talking wars coming to an end if hypnotized, but we have people in the goverment like Rice, whos a brainwasher she flys to the leaders and makes them feel all good inside, anyway, i belive in it, i belive in fourtne telling, pshycics and such and i belive in god. My ex mother in law says its the devils handiwork, but i belive its a gift givin by god, the devil dont give gifts only god does. and these people have gifts.  

  4. i don't believe in hypnotism but my brother said that he thinks it is the devils whisper saying 'do this, do that'

  5. Hello

    Hypnosis is a natural mental state, one which we all enter several times a day.

    No one can be hypnotised without their consent, nor made to do anything that they wouldn't already be prepared to do.

    It cannot be used to create a situation with a person that they themselves are not seeking - what you believe hypnosis to be is not the case.



  6. There's no such thing as "The Devil," so you can put that theory to rest.  

  7. no is not a devil's work. and if you want to hypnotize someone you must have his agreement because the person must be relax , and usually it is used to recall some past memories but not for controlling the people

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