
Is Iran gonna be attacked?

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Im still getting my head around why America attacked Iraq.




  1. yep..

  2. i reckon so and it wouldnt surprise me if they were attacked before bush leaves office. if mccain wins the election you can guarentee iran will attacked if bush hasnt already done so

  3. To have a better control of oil from Iraq without dealing with Saddam Hussein.

    If Robert Mugabe had a good supply of oil he would have been overpowered a long time ago.

    Iran will end up starting a war if they continue getting nuclear weapons, that was the "reason" to go into Iraq to stop Saddam Hussein having nuclear weapons.

    Iran are threatening people with violence and enriching uranium, it doesn't look good for them.

  4. The normal 'war warnings' are going off which doesn't bode well for Iran, or the rest of the world.

    The worst case scenario is that a reluctant USA will be dragged into a third conflict in the ME within the next few months:

    Israel recognises that whoever wins the election, their best chance of being supported by the US in a war against Iran is while Bush is still president;

    Israel is perfectly capable of acting without US 'permission' and presenting a fait accompli: "See - we knocked out the nuclear bases and now all h**l has let loose; USA, you have quarter of a million citizens in the middle of that h**l so you'd better do something!"

    This is how the first world war started and might be how the third does...

    It would be far, far better for Bush to make clear that the USA will not support Israel in the case of a unilateral, presumptive attack on Iran. In other words, Israel would be committing suicide.

    As he will never be that direct and straight, the compromise would be to tell Israel that, with a Democratic congress and only a few months left on his presidency that he would leave the decision on whether the US would get into a war with Iran to his successor. In this way, he can defuse the urgent timetable that Israel may be feeling - it doesn't resolve the issue but does postpone armageddon for a few more months!

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