
Is It Ok to sell....?

by Guest65445  |  earlier

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I live on a farm and my chickens started laying eggs today and my dad says i can sell them so i am then my friend and i started talking and her family has a huge gareden and she plants most of them so she can sell them to so would it be ok to sell them like some kids sell lemonade at lemonade stands also is it ok to sell baked goods? btw we live in new hampshire




  1. Ya that should be legal!! if yard sales are then that should be !! i hope  and ur friend make alot of money GOOD LUCK

  2. Not sure what you mean by OK?

    Legally, morally, what's the problem?

    Just open a roadside vegetable stand.

  3. I was in new hampshire a day ago. (:

    And i say why not, there's nothing saying you can't.

    I'm pretty sure it's legal.
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