
Is John Howard homeless now?

by Guest62913  |  earlier

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Do you feel sorry for him now that he is unemployed and homeless?




  1. tusitala,what planet are you on.This is the man that bought the last 3 elections,and has left us with High inflation and interest rates.What after 3 months you want to blame Rudd,you sure your name is not Brendan Nelson?

    As for the carers bonus,I think you will find that was a one off payment by Howard.there we go buying votes for the short term again!

    But to the Question ,do I feel sorry for a man that really hates the working class and was kicked out by them,Quite simlpy


  2. Yes, I do particularly because he did a very good job of getting Australia back on its feet financially after so many years with the wreckers of society in control. I guess Rudd and his band of demolition experts are no different from the Labour governments who came before him and are h**l bent on destroying anything the libs did in the 11 years of the rebuilding of the nation. Mr Rudd ( and his brown shirts) are so determined to see Howard totally destroyed he has now withdrawn the carers allowance so as Jenny cannot afford to look after him. I guess mr KRudd has to pay for his election promises in some way but to withdraw an allowance from carers is VERY VERY UNCARING AND CALOUSE. ..... just wondering what he has in mind for pensioners and disability recipients now. Hitler may end up looking good compared to this snake pit we have in power now.

  3. lol!!

    sorry thats a really bad answer but its a pretty funny question...

    on the serious side i'm sure he has a home... but at the moment he is in america speakign at conferences...

  4. no he is not and he was a champ unlike friggen rudd he is to modern.

  5. I hope he rotes in h**l.

  6. As for J. Howard, Esq., he probably owns more houses than you do.  

    Several months before the election I predicted that he would be on the boards of some major companies after it.  I'm guessing that one of them will be a nuclear power station company.

    Dear old hag, please do not assume all questions and answers are from Americans.

  7. Yes I think I saw him at the Sacred Heart Mission the other day.

  8. No but he's still clueless

  9. I only wish he was!

  10. Who is John Howard?If he is homeless he is in good company with a large amount of Iraq War Veterans who are homeless after serving our country. With all those empty houses out there I think the government should set them up, its the least they can do.

  11. He is not homeless and not unemployed, in fact he's just taken on a few staff and currently in the USA doing talks/speeches.

  12. no

    and no i do not feel sorry him

  13. I miss him being the Prime Minister but can't exactly say I feel sorry for him - he's not unemployed he's RETIRED and he's not homeless either. He has it better off than alot of people do, not that he doesn't deserve it for all the work he has done.

    He's sorted for life - he still receives his wage as a pension

  14. Probably not.  Before becoming Prime Minister, John Howard owned a home in a suburb practically walking distance from Kiribilli house, where he mostly lived in Sydney as Prime Minister.     I imagine he will just move back there, until he is ready to retire somewhere else.  

    All former Prime Ministers are able to make use of government supplied and paid for office and staff for their personal use.  They also get a very very generous superannuation and retirement package that would probably pay for their expenses till the day they die.  He will also get income from appearances and speaking gigs.

    The Government really looks after their own, no matter which side of parliament they sit on.  He is alright Jack.

  15. No he is not homeless, nor is he unemployed.

    Even if he were each prime minister who has served at least 1 term receives a ridiculous (I guess it is mean to be for redundancy) salary for the rest of his life, more than the average citizen makes, for doing nothing.

    Bloody unfair if you ask me, what other job does that?

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